The Route to Righting a RelationSHIP

Part 1: The View from The Deck

Jane Tawel
The Life Essence


“Rowboat” by Tom Gill. is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

By Jane Tawel

October 10, 2020

BIG DISCLAIMER: I can’t claim that what I am writing here, about what we should do in relationships, is in fact something that I always do. I always set out to teach myself a thing or two, whenever I try to teach someone else. I can say, however, that the times I have done this in either my most important relationships or my most trivial relationships, I have been much the better person for it. I like to believe that the other person and the relationship itself has been the better for it too.

Throughout the long arc of any individual life, there are many types of relationships. Some are work, some play. Some are friends, some are arch-rivals. Some are short-term, others long-term. Some are life-changing, others career-changing. Some are a bit of fluff, and others are the type that turns a lump of carbon into a diamond. Whether spouse, partner, friend, family member, boss, or co-worker, we will in one relationship or another, (if not in all of them), be faced with times when the relationship hits a bump, veers off course, or sometimes, threatens to implode or explode. When this happens, we usually have a choice. One can ignore, let the situation flounder, fester, get worse, fall apart, slowly decay, or die; or one can try to…



Jane Tawel
The Life Essence

Still not old enough to know better. Enjoys philosophy, spirituality, poetry, books of all genres.Often torn between encouragement & self-directed chastisement.