Emotions and feelings

What Can Fear Do To A Human Being

Human beings are special creatures in the world.

Published in
6 min readJan 9, 2020


We are people who have thoughts, emotions, and interests. That is an amazing phenomenon. I can’t think of anything else that has the same as we have.

In the moments of our thoughts, emotions, and interest there could be a lot of fear. That is very close to each other, in fact. In every thought, emotion, and interest we know there will be a fear that is a reaction to how your thoughts are at that moment from that particular event.

If you have thoughts about why you don’t want to go to that specific restaurant because that holds you back to go, it is a fear that comes from something that happened to you. Your boyfriend broke up in that specific restaurant. Actually, you want to try their new menu. The emotion you have then, that is holding you back from going, could be a reaction that you are going to be stiff when you think about that particular event that happened. Your thoughts block you at that moment. But you’re really interested in their new menu. The fear is going into the restaurant. This is a reaction of a fear coming from a feeling that gave you another fear: that your ex-partner could be…



Agnes Laurens
The Life Essence

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters. https://linktr.ee/alaurens