I almost died once

Jeff Smick
The Life I’ve Had
2 min readNov 16, 2012

I was maybe 5 or 6. Back before I had a chance to do anything. Before I knew there was anything to do.

My day care had a pool. Every summer, when school was out, they had pool days. I couldn’t swim so I stayed in the shallow end and splashed around and had a great time. At some point I thought it was fun to get out of the pool and jump back in, make a big splash. I did this a few times, out, jump, touch bottom, bounce up, out, jump, touch, up, out, jump, then there was no bottom to touch. Right when I expected my toes to hit the floor I ended up submerged with nothing solid to support me.

Instant panic. Bewilderment.

I don’t remember splashing around or trying to reach air. I remember looking up at the light filtering through the surface of the water. I remember waking up in the back of a police car (or maybe an ambulance). I remember waking up in a hospital.

I spent two days there. I had an IV in my hand and that I had to drag the IV bags and machine around when I needed to get out of bed. I remember my family coming to visit me.

Often I’ll reflect back on this event thinking that I’ll be able to tie it to some specific character trait. Like I should have a carpe diem attitude or be deathly afraid of going in the water. Yet, I’m a shy introvert that enjoys staying home most of the time and I love being in the water. Maybe it happened too early and I just didn’t have a life to reflect upon, nothing to change.



Jeff Smick
The Life I’ve Had

Husband. Father. Bit pusher for Twitter. Whiskey Drinker. Absurdist