A Battle with the Past

You can see if you look for it

Dr Ahmet
The Life Learner
3 min readJun 17, 2024


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Did you feel it?

The wind of the past.

It blows constantly, either from the front or from behind you.
Such a wind either adds speed to your pace or power to your strength.

Or it constantly puts obstacles in your way. It drains your time, energy, and soul.

If you can catch the wind of the past behind you, how fortunate you are. That wind constantly helps you move forward.

You are one of the rare people who can do this.

There are those who cannot catch the wind of the past behind them and constantly fight against it.

I was one of them.

For a long time, I couldn’t accept my past.
Instead of letting its wind blow from behind and follow me, making me stronger, I always allowed it to blow against me.

Fighting this wind cost me other beautiful things I could have done.

It was tough.


I don’t want to use a cliché, but;

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” (Albert Einstein).

I lived this quote.

The moment I realized I was living it, it became possible for me to think about the benefits of changing some things.

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I’m not sure if I can understand or explain what triggered this moment of awareness.

But my best guess is that I was hungry for change.
A longing for change that I couldn’t even admit to myself.

Eventually, a light of hope ignited in my mind to change the outcomes.

So, I needed to change the outcomes, and the results promised hope.

I clung to this hope.

I started to get small results with small attempts.

What happened in the end?

I really liked the result.

I saw that it was possible to change myself.

At this stage, hope transformed into belief.

As much as I’ve experienced, I know I cannot explain how powerful a weapon belief is.

Nick Vujicic’s words come to my rescue at this point.

Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker, writer, and life coach born with Tetra-Amelia Syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs.

Nick’s turning point came when he was invited to speak at 17.

Expressing this significant change and his feelings, he famously said:

“I was 17 years old when I gave my first motivational speech. That day, I realized my purpose in life was to inspire and give hope to others. It was a turning point that helped me see beyond my limitations and focus on what I could achieve.”

Through his determination and belief, Nick has become an inspiration to millions.

Nick has also written many books. “Life Without Limits,” “Unstoppable,” and “Be the Hands and Feet” are among them.

He didn’t allow his past to negatively affect his future. On the contrary, in his speeches, he always talked about how his challenges benefited him.

“I’m here to tell you that I’m not a superhero, and I don’t need you to think of me as a superhero. I am just like you. We all have struggles and challenges, but we also have the ability to overcome them. I believe my life has no limits because I have faith, hope, and love.”

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In other words, he caught the wind of his past behind him and allowed his old weaknesses to make him stronger today.

So, what do you prefer?

Constantly fighting with your past?

Or letting your past make you stronger today?

The choice is yours.

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Dr Ahmet
The Life Learner

Author | Writer | Writes about writing, self-development, life lessons, and more..