How Finding My Purpose Transformed My Life

From Monotony to Mastery

Dr Ahmet
The Life Learner
3 min readJun 24, 2024


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Yes, I had the same problem.

You may not realize it, but it’s not just you.

You might think it only happens to you.

But just as the laws of physics work the same for everyone, just as we all have 24 hours in a day, and just as we all get wet in the rain, this is not a problem unique to you.

What are we talking about?

The feeling of being stuck. The sense of doing the same things over and over but getting nowhere.

You work 9 to 5, go to bed at night, and wake up in the morning. You wait for Friday to come, but Monday arrives again.

Before you know it, a year has passed.

Maybe five years. For some of us, thirty-five years.

Imagine you’re riding a bike. You pedal with your right foot, then your left. Right and left.

Then right again, followed by left. And so it goes on and on.

Until when?

Image by Custom Tuned AI model by Author

Until you reach home. If you don’t have a goal to reach home, you keep going until you’re tired. Then you rest and start again.

Home is your goal.

How long can you pedal without a goal?

You know the answer the rabbit gave to Alice.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, it doesn’t matter which path you take.”

The obligation to do something boring, restrictive, and exhausting repeatedly drains your energy.

There’s an illusion today that people live by money, food, and water.


People only survive with money, food, and water. Having just enough of these keeps you from dying.

People live with hope and goals.

When you know you’re heading home, pedaling doesn’t feel like a chore. It’s just a means to an end to reach home.

You might ask, “How can I set a goal when I have to work 9 to 5, and a job I don’t like drains all my energy?”

Believe me, writing it is as easy as reading it.

It requires experience, thoughtfulness, and time.

Let me share my life experience with you.

While unhappy with my first profession, I started a master’s degree. It took two years.

During those two years, my profession, which I didn’t like, supported me. I earned my living from this job. I raised my child thanks to this profession.

I changed my profession. I became the top accounting manager at an institution.

It was more enjoyable than my previous job.

This profession supported me during my PhD process.

I completed my PhD in Finance.

By 2030, I will be a professor.

Image by Custom Tuned AI model by Author

Now, I create awareness by sharing my story with my graduating students.

I hope I have been able to ignite a spark within you.

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Dr Ahmet
The Life Learner

Author | Writer | Writes about writing, self-development, life lessons, and more..