Welcome to 40 by 40 — bucket listing through my 30s

Lauren Tyler
The Life List
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2018
Maui // April 2018 // photo by Lauren Tyler

This isn’t a secret. When I turned 30 I created a bucket list of 30 things to do before I turned 31. It was a big undertaking to do 30 big things in one year. So much so, I haven’t really attempted anything like that since. I sort of set goals and I still add to my bucket list but I didn’t have an end goal (aside from “before I die”).

That journey, plus recent discussions with a few friends, has inspired me to create the 40 by 40 challenge. The goal is pretty simple — create a list of 40 things to do before I turn 40. This time around I’m bringing anyone who wants to join with me.

At the time of writing this, I am 34 years old. I started my 40 by 40 list when I was 33 — inspired by a friend who was just finishing a similar journey. When my friend, Jen, was 33 she created a list of 40 things to do before she turned 40. I was fortunate enough to meet her before she turned 40 — just in time to experience her birthday celebration where she crossed off the final time on her 40 by 40 list. This was maybe a year ago or less.

While I’ve still been inspired by being a witness to her achievement, I have not pushed myself to do the same. NOW I am. NOW is the time. It’s cliche, but we aren’t getting any younger, and while I am still single (finding my soul mate is on my 40 by 40), childless (on my 40 by 40), and still kicking I want to cram in as much adventure as I can.

I might a little bit of an overachiever. I definitely push myself way more than I should and stress over my accomplishments (or lack thereof). But the one thing I find encourages and motivates me the most are the people I bring along the way.

That’s where you come in!

I’ve created a Facebook Group for anyone interested in joining. I have about 5 1/2 years to finish my list. Some might only have a year. Your list can have small things you’ve been putting off for years or HUGE goals. YOU DO YOU! Did you know I had a silly thing like getting my first bikini wax on my 30 in 30 list? Nothing is too big or too small we can’t achieve it.

I’ll plan on posting a lot in the FB group but also incorporate some blog posts here for anyone who just wants to read along. I don’t know how it will evolve — but I know it will be FUN!

Stay tuned for a the beginning of my 40 by 40 list coming soon.


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One more thing — if you found value in this story, please click on the “clap” button. That helps others find it. Also, I’d love to connect on Twitter or Instagram @blondierocket to hear your thoughts and adventures.

Originally published at Elle Tea Creative.



Lauren Tyler
The Life List

Digital Content Librarian by day. Writer/doer/hustler by night. Boise native. Avid reader. Futurist. Baby whisperer. Adventurer. Goal shredder. Learner. Lover.