Your History Will Highlight Your Relationship Problems

Jason Henry
The Life Manual
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2021


Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

I have been giving advice on relationships far longer than I realized, whether online or in real life. And while I’ve received some comments, endorsements and gifts because of my advice, sometimes I wonder if I’m a charlatan. After all, I haven’t been in a relationship since 2017.

People had to remind me that there’s a ton of people getting into relationships that are unhealthy or for the wrong reasons and that it’s easy to get into one. They’re right. Technically I could say the magic words and be in one but I would never take it seriously because I know I wouldn’t be with suitable partners.

But one thing I’ve had to remind myself is that the caliber of women I approach tends to be better and better because I take the lessons from the past and apply them to the present.

Ultimately, I believe that’s the best advice anyone can ever give anyone who is trying to level up in dating and relationships. The unexplored past is a treasure trove of information to evolve.

Take me for example. I used to go for selfish women. I too was selfish! But once I see that trait now, I can simply walk away.

I used to want to change people into “being a better version of themselves.” I was doing this to myself as well. But once I saw the vital importance in accepting…



Jason Henry
The Life Manual

Former Edu. Psychologist | Current Writer | Constant Learner | “By your stumbling the world is perfected.”