My Daily Schedule as a Middle School Teacher

Wake up and drink your coffee. It’s going to be a long day.

Anime Teacher
A Teacher’s Life


Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

My teaching schedule has varied at different middle schools.

I love my current teaching schedule and the way that my school allows me to teach Reading and co-teach Writing separately, but I admittedly struggle with my schedule too. The workday is exhausting, and there isn’t adequate time for planning lessons.

If it wasn’t for my students and voluntary classroom helper systems, my classroom would be impossible for me to manage.

My middle school operates with a different schedule on Fridays, but the daily schedule below covers the rest of the week.

Daily Schedule

Saitama from One Punch Man

5:00 Wake up. Fix my hair, dress, and eat breakfast. Let my dog zoom. Check on the animals and garden outside.

5:50 Drive to work and fall in love with my morning commute.



Anime Teacher
A Teacher’s Life

Watching anime longer than my students have been alive.