Tell Me You Hate Teachers Without Telling Me You Hate Teachers

Of course, you can’t say it out loud

Gaby Rogut
A Teacher’s Life


Screenshot by the author

Tell me you don’t care. But, of course, you can’t say it out loud. In fact, you have to call us “heroes” and all that crap. It’s the politically correct move to make. But you know how you feel, deep inside.

We know it too because we see what you do. So we no longer care about what you say.

No funding, not even for the basics. In my country, it has become commonplace for bathrooms to lack toilet paper and soap. Schools get less than what they need to keep the facilities clean, so they ask parents to please contribute.

Very few of them do. Some of them genuinely can’t. Others, just won’t.

So, from time to time, little festivals are organized to sell food and other goodies to collect funds and be able to afford sheets of paper for the copy machine and cleaning supplies.

And, let’s not forget, kids don’t want to go to school. It has always been like that, but now it’s worse because we can no longer keep up with the charade. Now kids know, their parents know, and above all, we know that schools are not for learning.

They are there for show.



Gaby Rogut
A Teacher’s Life

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me!