How I Deal With Anxiety

Nicole Fellows
The Life of a Worry Wart
3 min readAug 2, 2016

“Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace”. — Joan Borysenko

Anxiety is something I will always experience throughout my life. In cases it will be more prevalent and in others non-existent, but deep down I know it will always be there. I have come to an understanding that, it’s in my nature to be a “Worry Wart” as I place a large emphasis on caring for others and correspondingly fearing the unknown. With that being said, it’s not a terrible thing to accept the fact that anxiety is a part of your life, because I believe it displays ones maturity concerning mental health and being able to understand complex emotions. In writing this blog and sharing my experiences, I believe I am becoming more comfortable with my struggles. In comparing my current self to the person I was five years ago, I would deem my growth with anxiety as an undeniable accomplishment.

As I stated in previous postings, I use to be an anxiety-ridden mess and let my emotions consume me to the point that I would be physically ill. Now, I can’t even recall a recent period in which I’ve came close to feeling that way. I have truly developed as a person and through all my personal battles I was able to conquer and come out as a stronger and more confident individual.

Coping with anxiety takes a long time, and this time varies by person. You can ask many people about their thoughts and opinions pertaining to anxiety but every answer will be distinctive. It’s truly based on the individual and not everyone’s method of dealing with this will be the same. I have tried multiple approaches to tackling my personal stressors but I find the best strategy is awareness and understanding of one’s self versus punishing yourself for feeling a certain way. I find my approach of overcoming anxiety differs majorly based on the situation and environment of the given time period.

“I find the best strategy is awareness and understanding of one’s self versus punishing yourself for feeling a certain way.”

There is not one simple solution to feeling better but here are some of things I’ve tried which have help me overcome stress in my life.

Coping with anxiety — advice from the Worry Wart:

1. Love yourself

2. Put yourself first

3. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people

4. Don’t be afraid to seek help

5. Don’t compare yourself to others

6. Eat healthy well-balanced meals

7. Sleep regularly — 7 to 9 hours/night

8. Do something active everyday — go outside!

9. Try yoga and mediation

10. Reduce your alcohol/caffeine intake and avoid other stimulants

11. Read self-help books

12. Don’t bottle in your emotions — nothing is wrong with a good cry

13. Take deep breaths when you are feeling overwhelmed

14. Distract yourself — go out and ease your mind

15. Maintain a positive outlook on life

Overall, I truly believe by following and offering some of these tips, people like me who suffer with anxiety will also be able to successfully cope with it. Everyone deals with his or her stress in a different manner and no one’s method is right or wrong. Try and remember; the most important step to overcoming your stress is to put yourself first. At the end of the day, all you have is you and you must learn to accept who you are and love yourself regardless.

