2019: Woah!

Michael Obi
Michael Obi
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2019

At the end of 2018, I wrote a review unlike this one and could never bring my fingers to publish it because it was written so badly. I could not bring it to a state that I deemed satisfactory so it stayed labeled “draft” and was subsequently deleted in the first quarter of this year. It was a challenging year plagued with a constant struggle to find my footing professionally.

Looking back at 2019, I realize a lot of things have changed but a few things have stayed the same — I still giggle when the flight attendant closes the curtains to separate me from business class. I can’t say why but it is funny.

The year kicked off with me working as a freelancer on a very small team at Paystack. By the end of the first quarter, I was gearing up to jump on a project run by Teal Technology Services (An IBM and OCP Africa joint venture). I was swimming in a pool that allowed me to work with the best engineers, designers and product managers I’d ever worked with. We figured out the products as we built them and it gave me something I’d been craving for years — An opportunity to build products from the ground up with the best thinkers and builders. By the end of August, my body had begun to feel the stress. I was now also convinced that I wasn’t in an environment where I could do my best work. I had burnt out once and was on the verge of another burnout after falling sick in mid-September. A few people and lifestyle changes helped me come out of it.

After working with some folks from Paystack, I’d experienced the culture and the desire to build the best products without compromise. Joining the team full-time was such an easy decision to make. I’ve been at my happiest since I started this journey in November. I love working with everyone and I’m convinced we’ll do some great things next year.

It has all moved really fast. I gave one technical talk at GDG Abuja’s DevFest. I wrote no articles and it’s become increasingly tougher to get myself in a headspace where I can articulate my learnings. It’s something I’m working on.

Financially, I made fewer smart decisions than dumb ones (not that I regret them too much). I wasn’t the prudent spender I aspire to be but was able to save a little and stash a little money in a few safe investments. I’ve been able to stay afloat and afford the things I need and then some things I want.

I was a lot better with relationships. I spent more time with friends and family than I did last year, made a few friends. I met someone that is the kindest partner one could ask for, understands me, gives the most lucid advice and is willing to listen when things begin to crumble around me.

I don’t have the best memory (my friends know) so I took a lot of photos — like, a lot! My Google Pixel phone makes it easy and fun. I’ll take a lot more. I even need to grab a telephoto lens for it so I can do some landscapes.

It’s been amazing and it’s all because I had the opportunity to experience it with some of the best people.

  • Ope (F.Merry) and Adewale Akande — I’m better at translating designs and thinking about products because of them.
  • Abdulhakim Haliru — His professionalism is something everyone can learn from. He elegantly walks the thin line between kindness and ruthlessness.
  • Tony, David Kezi, Grace Ameh, Samuel Omole, and Tari Akinukawe — They consistently listen and give great advice. They come up with solutions even when it seems unlikely.
  • Victor, Eddie, Elohor and Chidinma(Chief) — The livest humans to have around. 2019 was a lot brighter because of them.

In 2020, I hope to travel more, learn more, give more technical talks and execute my tasks without compromise. I believe it’s important to document my learnings and experiences so I’m also committing to publishing technical and personal content.

I can’t wait to dive into 2020. I have a good feeling about this one.

