Eco-agriculture, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services

Yimeng Xu
What We Do to Our Animal Friends
2 min readApr 10, 2017

Humans have a serious dependence on the nature. Ecosystem services are precious gifts from nature. But climate change and human activities (especially agricultural production) seriously endanger the integrity of the natural system. According to the National Geographic magazine, farming activities account for 40 per cent of the total land of the earth. With the increase of population, the proportion is still rising.

Lack of Biodiversity

The lack of biodiversity has a significant impact on ecosystem services. Besides, it interferes with ecosystem’s long-term resilience and human’s well-being. Although the extinction rates of different species vary widely, most scientists still believe that human activities caused by the extinction of wild animals will threaten the survival of human beings. Thus, maintaining the biodiversity of ecosystem is critical to human survival, since biodiversity is at the heart of systemic recovery and function.

How Elasticity Planning and Design Works

Wild animal is an indispensable element in a community. When planning new agriculture and developing a region, ecosystem services should be taken into account. Agricultural planning must prioritize ecological health and biodiversity. The restoration strategy, Wildlife corridor and habitat restoration are two effective restoration strategies which can help repair ecosystem.

Synergies of Eco-agriculture

Eco-agriculture system is a “natural-economic-social” compound system. In ecosystem, there should be inherent harmony between organisms (including human beings) and environment. Eco-agriculture focuses on the coordination of each component of. The aim of it is to getting larger economic, ecological and social benefits with higher level of stability and less cost.



