The Effects of Ecotourism on Wild Animals

Yimeng Xu
What We Do to Our Animal Friends
2 min readMar 13, 2017

Nowadays, more and more people aware the importance of environment protecting. They hope their behavior would not impact natural organism, and they want to create an ideal living environment in which humans and animals can coexist sustainably. In this case, ecotourism in Nature Reserves is very popular now.

Of course, ecotourism is a relatively environmental way to recreate. It minimizes tourists’ impact on the environment. The income of ecotourism can help to protect local ecology. And ecotourism can be an educational experience to Understand the preciousness of environmental conservation. The rise of ecotourism indicates the impressive progress on environmental awareness.

Some tourists think ecotourism is totally environmental, they believe ecotourism takes no negative impact to the nature, so they can do whatever they like in the tour without any guilty. That’s not the case.

The negative impacts of ecotourism mainly reflect in two aspects: habitats and wild animals’ behaviors. Due to the increase in the number of outdoor activities, natural resources in tourism developing areas are subject to different degrees of interference or damage. Because of roads and other installation for tourism, some habitats are separated. It large influent some animals’ habits, such as migration and courtship. Besides, some human activities directly. Most wild animals usually avoid human. If human frequently interfere them, they may give up their habitats and move to other place. For example, ovis canadensis moved to high altitude area to avoid tourism interference, and that reduce their population.



