3 Simple Yet Powerful Truths the Elite don't want you to know.

Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Life’s Good
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2024

3 Incredible Lessons from “The little book of success” by Napoleon Hill

One of the key things that people who want to become successful implement in their lives is reading daily.

That is why many successful people have read over hundreds of books, not fantasy novels, but books that change your entire mindset on certain topics. Books that develop you, hone your skills and give you valuable lessons to take along with you, after you've finished reading.

Now, if we're being honest, reading daily or finishing a book a week, is not an easy task for the most of us.

Which is why, without any more blah blah, I present to you the 3 most valuable and practical lessons taught in the book:

If you aren't familiar with the author, Napoleon Hill, he wrote one of the most influential books of all time, Think and Grow Rich, and is known to have helped many people change their view on financial prosperity.

I personally love him for his AMAZING quotes.


If you still have no clue who he is, I recommend this article I recently discovered, I think the author sums his life up perfectly:

Unveiling the Legacy of Napoleon Hill: The Secret of Enthusiasm | by Flori Bercus | Mar, 2024 | Medium

Anyway, let’s dive into the first lesson:

1. You are a human magnet, and you are constantly attracting to you people whose character harmonizes with your own.

Now, there are many things you can do with this information, but I will name only 2 practical ways to implement this in your life.

Firstly, rethink your “human magnet”. Is it really attracting the people you want to be surrounded by.

Secondly, protect your character, your personality and mental attitude. These things attract or detract people who you might want to be acquainted with or the success you hope to one day achieve.

2. Occasions of defeat are permanent only in the mind that accepts them as such.

Failure is Feedback.

Don't be offended by it.

It's never personal.

3. You are your dominating thoughts

The thoughts, that take up most of your brain space, reflect you as a person.

Do so as you want with this information.



Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Life’s Good

To write is like to breathe, you simply do it, because you must.