Energy flows where Attention goes.

Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Life’s Good
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2024

How to regain control over your thoughts and therefore

your life.

A person in their thoughts with a cool ambience, cinematic and high quality in a cartoon style”
Created with Designer. Supported by DALL-E 3.

Are you ready for something?

Drumroll please!

You are…

(Dramatic pause)

your thoughts.

It's no surprise, honestly.

From Napoleon Hill to Neale Donald Walsch, to basically every productivity guru will all tell you the same thing:

If you can control your dominating thoughts,

you have the ability to change your life.

Sounds a lot like empty promises and nothing but words.

Which is why, I have created simple and applicable steps for you to take to gain just a bit more control over your life.

Isn't that what we all want?

Just a bit more control.

Step 1

Be careful regarding what you consume.

Be it scrolling mindlessly or reading every depressing headline, it affects you a lot more than you think. Treat your mind like you do your body, don't feed it junk every single day.

I mean a cheat day every once in a while it is fine, even encouraged, but you would never drink soda, then follow it up with chips and then top it off with Oreo ice cream. Would you?

(Please say no)

If you were to ask me, I would advise you to stop consuming media altogether for some days. Believe me, the first few days are excruciating, but then it only goes uphill.

Step 2

Surround yourself with positive people.

Not optimists who believe that it's unicorns and lollipops. Simply, people who don't dump their mental garbage onto you and expect you to clean it.

Cutting out negative people, who only complain, will help you SO MUCH in the long run.

Trust me, it goes a long way.

(If you need any help, this article sums it up really well!)

Learn to Shorten 4 Things For Your Own Peace Of Mind | by Hadiyan Joy💟 | May, 2024 | Medium

Step 3

Declutter your mind.

Organize your thoughts.

Meditate, pray, or some form of not thinking about your overwhelming problems.

Take what you don't need out of your mind, discard it.

Your brain requires a spring-cleaning just as much as your house does.

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Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Life’s Good

To write is like to breathe, you simply do it, because you must.