What is Love: A Remembrance

Rastar Thirteen El Bey
Life’s Good
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2024



A covenant like the rainbow bright,
The Most High’s promise against the night.
No artist greater than She above,
Who paints the skies with strokes of love.

With lines of life drawn so precise,
In symmetry, her canvas is thrice.
Vibrant and crafted oh so divine,
Her mind-blowing art does align.

She gives and gives, but men divide,
Greedily from the cherry’s side.
If not for this, in hand and heart,
Abundance would be our natural part.

Pause, and ask, what is love’s core?
Trust, commitment, truth, and more.
Love yourself, let honesty guide you,
In laughter, and kisses, stay side by side.

Love is music played through your veins,
A symphony that ever sustains.
Her beauty in all, can you not see?
Reflected in women, perfectly.

She’s the breath, the nurturing tree,
The honey sweet, the bumblebee.
The sunshine’s kiss upon your face,
In nature’s arms, find Her grace.

Now humbly, I see Her ways,
Her magical displays that amaze.
Common sense, the deep-thinking key,
Unfolds Her world in 3D.

Fooled once, but now I see,
Amidst the distraction, nature’s decree.
While humanity’s course may contort,
Nature’s mission holds the fort.

Our human nature, once distorted,
Some paths of earth, sadly aborted.
Yet, in nature, no worries stay,
In song and space, birds have their say.

They sing in peace, love, and accord,
A harmony that needs no word.
And those three birds, wisdom conveyed,
No worry for the morrow laid.

One bird, trapped, lost its way,
Mimicking TV night and day.
Till friends discover the truth at last,
Perspective’s lesson is understood and vast.

In life, it’s all about perspective,
No right or wrong, just directive.
See through the eyes of others’ stances,
Expand your view, and give love a chance.

For in every lesson, angle, and curve,
Love is the verve we must preserve.
So, thank you for joining this rhyme,
Loves in nature’s paradigm.

With love, signed 13❤️

