The Art of Apologizing

A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Children

Allesia Ale
Life’s Good
2 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

We all make mistakes, dear parents. Sometimes we say or do things we bitterly regret later because they hurt our loved ones.

But what matters is not the mistake itself, but how we react and learn from it. And here comes the importance of teaching our children how to sincerely apologize.

When we teach our children to ask for forgiveness, we teach them an important life lesson about taking responsibility.

But a real apology involves much more than empty words like” I’m sorry “.

It is one thing, which must start with recognizing the mistake and then understanding how their action affected others.

And how can we teach this, so valuable to our children? Well, I think we can do that by our own example, of course.

We can guide them step by step into a genuine apology-to admit their mistake, to sincerely feel sorry, and to try to correct their mistake.

Because, after all, the words “ I’m sorry ” are just the beginning.

The real power lies in helping our children understand the purpose of an apology, feel empathy, and apply it sincerely from the heart.

Thank you!!!

