Write For Us — Life’s Good

All writers are welcome!

Liu Xing
Life’s Good


Author’s Image

Hi everyone, welcome to Life’s Good.

I am Liu Xing, the creator of this publication, and I’m happy to announce that Life’s Good is open to submissions! In this article, I’ll explain:

  • How to apply
  • Topics accepted
  • Submission guidelines
  • Other information

Let’s dive in.

Non-members can read the article here

How to apply

Writers of all levels are welcome. So whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced writer, you’re welcome at Life’s Good!

The application process is simple:

  1. Follow Liu Xing, and the publication
  2. Leave a comment on this article

I’m active on Medium, so you can expect to be added as a writer within 24 hours. I will assume everyone who comments wants to be added as a writer. If it was a mistake, you can leave at any time.

Topics accepted

I’ve decided to niche this publication to the following topics:

  • Life
  • Self-improvement
  • Productivity



Liu Xing
Life’s Good

I love writing about life, self improvement and books. Follow for more!