Everyone is Opinionated.

How to deal with opinions?

Amrita Mishra
The Life Snippets
1 min readNov 7, 2023


There are so many opinions in the world — what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, how you should behave, how you should get dressed, what to do on which days, etc.

While some of these are useful because they align with our nature, our biology,

But others are simply created for the convenience of some people who have lived a certain way and don’t want to change their ways anymore.

Not all opinions of all the people will resonate with you, and THAT’S OKAY.


You will never 100% agree or disagree with someone because you are not them. You are YOU.

So when you come across opinions that don’t align with you — leave.

It’s not your job to change other people’s perspectives.

You don’t have to shove your opinion down anyone’s throat.

Reflect on your beliefs and opinions, and share them.

If someone accepts them, good. If not, good.

How do you deal with other people’s opinions that you don’t necessarily agree with?



Amrita Mishra
The Life Snippets

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