Are you a high achiever or an over achiever?

Gaby Grzywacz
The Life Worth Living
3 min readAug 17, 2022

High achiever, over achiever.

Is this a potato potato sort of situation?

If you think so, then you’re in for a surprise.

Because those two? Very different.

Let me explain.

What’s the difference between a high achiever and an over achiever?

The difference is actually quite simple.

A high achiever strives for excellence. They make sure they do their very best, and create work of high quality. They have clear boundaries in place, and know when to decline work in order to ensure what they do is of the highest quality.

An over achiever, on the other hand, strives for perfection. What they do never feels good enough for them. They always want to do more, and do better. They don’t turn work down, because they can do it all, and they struggle to delegate, because they think they are the best person for every job.

See the difference?

Being a high achiever is kinda awesome. Being an over achiever is a self-destructive behaviour that often leads to burnout.

But your organisation likely doesn’t recognise it — as long as you’re working your bottom off, they’re happy. The cost to you is, in their eyes, immaterial.

So, why excellence and not perfection?

We need excellence in the world. We need work really well done. We need figures that all check out. We need clear answers. We need well written content. We need high quality videos.

The list goes on — you get the gist.

Doing your best (where doing your best is called for) is something to be really proud of! Something to aspire to and try to achieve.

I’m a firm believer in the fact that everyone can achieve excellence in a field they care about. I also believe that when we’re charging our clients as much as the Big 4 does, those clients are allowed to expect excellence. Unless they spring something on you at the eleventh hour. Then they need said expectations firmly lowered.

But that’s a topic for another post.

What a client can’t expect (and if they do, they won’t get) is perfection

Striving for perfection is tempting if you’re an over achiever. Hell, it feels like the only option.

But it’s a trap, and a bloody good one.

Because when you’re a consultant, you’re often literally expected to deliver perfection.

The problem?

Nothing is perfect. And no matter how hard you try, it won’t be.

So that report you just can’t stop putting finishing touches to? Even if you spend another 3 months on it, it won’t be perfect.

But the biggest problem with striving for perfection?

You just never think that what you did is good enough. So you keep on getting increasingly more frustrated, your self-esteem keeps on falling and falling and falling, and you begin to feel resentful towards your job.

Which, incidentally, are the first steps to burnout!


Are you struggling with over achieving, and don’t believe that excellence is good enough? Do you not know how to get out of the hamster wheel of unrealistic expectations? I know how you feel — I’m a recovering over achiever myself! And I’ve got the answers.

I will help you find your own way out — on your own terms, and help you create a working life where you know when to say ‘enough’. Book a free 30 minute consultation with me to start your journey to a happier career.

And while you’re waiting for your consultation time to come round, I recommend you watch Dr Geri Puleo’s video linked below. It truly is an eye-opener!



Gaby Grzywacz
The Life Worth Living

Freelance writer — Burnout Recovery Coach — Multipotentialite — Londoner — ex-Big4 — Work-life integration advocate