Creating the Leaders of Tomorrow

The Light House
The Light House
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2015


By Aryan Shetty, Junior Reporter

“Great changes in the destiny of mankind can be effected only in the minds of the youth.”

The Model United Nations program is one that is hugely popular worldwide. Conferences are held every week around the world and are conducted with heavy enthusiasm. Some prestigious MUN conferences include Harvard HMUN, NHSMUN etc.

There is much to learn from an MUN conference. MUN at its roots is a mock simulation of the actual United Nations conference as the name suggests. During the conference delegates (participants) are assigned to various countries and must represent them at the conference. A large amount of effort and preparation is required. Delegates are required to abide by their countries foreign policy, use appropriate language and put forward a position paper.

MUN provides a forum for addressing global concerns in a real world context. Conferences foster global citizenship and address current world issues related to regional conflicts, peacekeeping, human rights, women and children, economic and social development, and the environment. It provides students with a better understanding of the inner working of the UN and to foster skills in diplomacy and compromise. MUN is also a platform for one to hone his/hers speaking skills as well.

The MUN program is hugely popular as it provides a unique experience in the form of role playing. It is oddly interesting and fun to become somebody you’re not, to immerse yourself in a culture to which you do not belong and to stand for ideals and views, you don’t believe in. It provides for an opportunity for students from different schools, countries and walks of life to interact with each other and make friends. Students leave a MUN experience with new friends and an unforgettable experience. Such is why new students should look to participate.

“In this era of globalization, learning about the world is more important than ever. No matter what field or profession students enter they are sure to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. In these conferences students put forward solutions for problems taking place halfway around the world” — Ms Abhilasha Chaube, Director of MUN at HIS has said.

In the Indian High School the MUN program has grown in the last year or so. A number of students were sent to conferences both locally and internationally. These students picked up awards as well at these conferences. Some of these conferences include DEMUN, DSMUN, WELMUN and so on. The valuable experience gained by these students is now being used to kick start the MUN program in our school. The Indian High School model United Nations — IHSMUN is to be held in the month of December.

With this conference the school aims to introduce its students to the amazing experience that is a MUN conference. The announcement of the conference has been met with an enthusiastic response from the students as well. Students have already registered online through the website. Registrations for local schools is now open as well.

A MUN club was initiated in September in order to train students and to help create proactive citizens of tomorrow. More than 150 students have already registered for the club. The club is being overseen by student volunteers. Hence it is a wise move by the school to invest in this important initiative and is a huge step forward in creating and enhancing the leaders of tomorrow.

If you wish to register for IHSMUN, please do so here —

About the Author

Aryan Shetty is a Junior Reporter for the Light House, currently studying in Grade 10 of the Indian High School.

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