Ending 2015 on a Commerce note

The Light House
The Light House
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2016

By Merlyn Thomas, member of the Editorial Board

As the soon to retire business club members step down, the newly elected committee of 11th graders evince their abilities through hosting the ever legendary and traditional COMMERCE DAY.

Commerce day is a one-day event put out specifically for the leaving 12th graders of the section. The main highlight of commerce day is its business quiz segment. Participation was open to all students of grade 12 commerce and arts. Grade 12 students actively participated in the quiz as a final chance to leave a mark in the section before starting out a new phase of their lives. The grade 11 students and faculty worked hard towards organizing the program. The show was conducted in the most professional and entertaining manner. The quiz was viewed as the definition of a game changer.

The quiz comprised of six rounds in total, all conducted in unison by the teachers of the marketing and business studies department. One of the most notable rounds was the “identify the logos and tagline” round which was hosted by the head marketing teacher Mrs. Arshiya Azhar and 11th grader Maria Tresea of grade 11 Com C. The participants fought valiantly through all the rounds with three teams finally emerging as winners of the entire segment. Overall it was a learning experience for both the 12th and 11th graders, with the 12th graders taking away with them the knowledge about the corporate business world and the 11th graders taking away an insight into the business realm, while the new business club members took away with themselves the satisfaction of seeing their event turn out successful as both parties had benefited at the end of the day.

Merlyn Thomas (above), Secretary of the Business club is seen receiving her Certificate from the Headmistress, Mrs. Latika Narain.

After the business quiz, certificates were handed out to the winners of the Mock- interview which was held for the retiring business club members in the month of November. Proud business club members came forward eagerly to collect their hard work which paid off in the form of certificates onto the stage from their beloved Headmistress Mrs. Latika Narain.

As the program came to an end, Mrs. Latika Narain poured out her wisdom about the business domain to the students and faculty. Lenity Thomas of class 11 Com C, said this with eyes brimming with happiness, “After giving the vote of thanks, as the crowd dispersed, I stood on the stage, smiling to myself. It was the first event that the new BE Club was hosting, and by the Grace of God, it was all well. Days of hard work, running around, deadlines and obviously a little bit of fun, finally paid off! I’m immensely grateful for my entire team: teachers, committee members, non-committee members, volunteers and especially Valerie, Livea and Jhanvi. It is their teamwork that made the dream work. And though Girija Ma’am’s absence was definitely felt, I am sure, that she would be and is extremely proud of us, for making the event a success under her supervision. The satisfaction from the success of this event, has left me wanting to do more and be more for the BE Club. So until then, I hope for the best.”

Indeed, all their hard work had eventually paid off. Someone had rightly stated that “the road to success comes through hard work, determination and sacrifice.” And the new committee members had already unveiled and impressed the section with their capabilities through this massive victorious event. All the best to the future business icons of the corporate sphere. May the Force of Commerce awaken you always!

About the Reporter:

Merlyn Thomas is a Member of the Editorial Board, currently studying in Grade 12 of The Indian High School.

