A Simple Errand

The Light Phone
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2017

In September we gave John Bruce, an interdisciplinary designer, strategist and researcher living and working in NYC, a Light Phone and a disposable camera for a few weeks. After we sat down with him to talk about the experience and learn about how it made him feel, we created this piece about one light moment he enjoyed away from his smartphone.

“So, I ran this errand by walking across 13th street, from the west village to the east village, you know. I probably walked on these streets, I don’t know, hundreds or thousands of times over the last thirty years. But that thirty minute errand and going light that day, I was kind of taking in the textures of the street and I was kind of taking in the textures of my own life and forgetting that the surfaces of these buildings, and the surfaces of these streets are kind of profound. You don’t need to spend $10,000 and spend two weeks in Hawaii to rest when you’re so exhausted. What might my life be like if in these 20-minute intervals here and there, or hours here and there, I can create this kind of space. I was reminded of actually even looking.”

This little snapshot is a beautiful reminder that some of the best light moments are actually as simple as running an errand.


