Introducing the Music Tool

The Light Phone
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2020


The much anticipated Music tool for Light Phone II is now available. It’s a simple, one playlist, music player. Upload audio files via the dashboard website, and they will sync and store on your Light Phone II. You can upload audio books or meditation exercises as well, of course!

The Music tool is ready to be installed from the dashboard as soon as you update your phone to LightOS v.114.

You can upload a variety of file types, the dashboard will convert them to 256kb mp3s, and start downloading them to your Light Phone II. The phone can store 1gb of audio.

Here’s a little video walkthrough of installation process and the using the tool. You can also visit the tool’s support page for all of the details.

“To understand music, you must listen to it, but so long as you are thinking, ‘ I am listening to this music,’ you are not listening.” — Alan Watts

The music tool, like all of our optional tools, is built around intentionality. It’s not an infinite hole of content, but a thoughtful list of meaningful songs for you to take with you on the go. On a smartphone, it’s so easy to queue up a song and find yourself scrolling around, not even really listening to the music. Our distraction-free device doesn’t make that a possibility.

Some Light Sounds

We also created a few ‘light’ sounds that you can download for free and add to your Light Phone’s new Music tool. These songs are intended to be used as background ambience while focusing or relaxing and set to repeat infinitely.

We are very inspired by Brian Eno, who has coined the term “ambient” with the release of his album Ambient 1: Music For Airports. He defines it as music “designed to calm and space to think”.

Brian Eno’s Ambient 1: Music For Airports (1978)

From found and collaged nature sounds, to some soothing pads, white noise and even a loop from Nasa called “Sun Sonification”, we hope you might find some of these useful.


“Dance of Wind”, one of the ambient light sounds

As Light Phone users ourselves, this is a very welcome upgrade. We hope you are able to enjoy the new Music tool as well!

Much Love,

