The Weeks before Exams | Life in Picture

Farrel Nobel
The Light Room
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2016
Page 1

I feel like these kinds of post are cliche but what the hell. I just bought a new camera recently, the Canon G7X, and I’m going to take pictures dammit!

It just so happens that that I bought them a week before my exams so all I could take was just random pictures of my revision and the view from the 34th floor. Enjoy.

Don’t look down.

It looked pretty bleak at first, I wasn’t sure how I was going to cram in all the knowledge I need for my 4 tests, 3 of which where on consecutive days. it was the start of a long 2 weeks.

Fiddling around with the shutter speed/exposure/aperture.
Always start the day with a nice breakfast.
There were 4 stacks in the beginning, each with 10+ chapters.
But slowly and slowly, they disappear.

After about the 2nd exam, it didn’t look so intimidating anymore. But boy, that last exam was a killer. Buyer Behavior, I hope for my sake this semester will be the last time I meet with you.

I was hoping this picture kind of shows the gloom and a little bit of the grit and grind that those weeks had. It’s my crappy attempt at trying to show the feeling through a picture anyway.

Like that song goes. Started from the bottom now we here. (Finished the whole textbook and that was just 1 subject).
This was just my attempt at using gradient filters in Lightroom. Not that great.

And lastly,

Great weather at the last exam day. Like a sign that I’ll do well.

This is probably my favorite picture among all. It was early morning, revising for my final exam. I peeped through my curtain and this was what I saw. I mean not exactly, this image was digitally enhanced like all the other images. But I saw this and I knew I had to take it.

All photos were taken with my Canon G7X and edited with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Hope you guys liked it.

Give it a “recommend” or like it. I might start doing more of posts like this.



Farrel Nobel
The Light Room

Graphic Designer focusing in Branding & Identity. Follow me on Dribbble | Behance | Twitter -> @farrelnobel