Pilgrimage to a Literary Oasis?

Who we are, what we do, and why we do it

The Luminaries Bookclub
The Lightpost


The best ideas are no good to anyone when hidden away in a drawer, ink fading away on the pages of an unread manuscript. Obscurity is one of the challenges on the writer’s journey. It is hard when one has created literary
works that remains silent, unheard. Facing this challenge as a one soldier is hard but it becomes easier when strong hands above and around help lift a writer up.

We set up The Light Post for this purpose to give exposure to budding writers. Born from the need to give the writers in The Luminaries Book Club a platform to share stories, the Lightpost is a child of ambition. While the writer remains the primary focus of the publication, we are focused on giving the light we have to offer to all. Our plan is to grow and develop an interdependent relationship in the following steps.

1. Build

The Lightpost is a structure in the same way a literal one is. The foundation will be the carefully curated works of literature and art. Our editors will work to refine and polish talents, focusing on bringing the best stories from their roughness. Periodic calls for submissions will be made, giving writers the chance to share what they have.

2. Grow

An audience is essential for art to live. Writers do not create for obscurity. They write to give light. Publications on The Lightpost are for people to find, read, and discover truths. Words give a path in darkness and clarity in confusion. We hope to grow an audience drawn in from all paths possible, the idea is that as one writer grows an audience, they will help
other writers be discovered. Together we build a combined audience, much larger than numbers we would have drawn alone.

3. Involve

The plan is to start The Lightpost with publications made of the works of the members of The Luminaries Book Club but it is not the plan to remain this way. As we grow, we will open our doors to other writers that may not be part of The Luminaries Book Club. We are building The Lightpost to grow into a phenomenal force that will give writers the audience and exposure their stories deserve.

The Lightpost is on a mission impossible but together we can achieve this. Join us today and get updates as we publish more works. Grow with our community. Click the follow button and let a writer be heard.



The Luminaries Bookclub
The Lightpost

An archive of book reviews written by members of The Luminaries Bookclub