5 Signs Your Best Friend Is Actually Your Soulmate Too

The Productivity Revolution
3 min readOct 5, 2015

Originally published at lmt-lss.com on October 3, 2015.

Not everyone gets one.

We hear about it, read about it, and some are lucky enough to experience it. A soulmate is the person who is an extension of yourself, the person you could never live without. Sure, it sounds like a dreamy and unrealistic concept. Truth be told, very few are acquainted with the notion of soulmates.

Having a soulmate is like experiencing a magnetic force. There are no words to clearly articulate such a connection but everything feels right. It’s a raw and open relationship, filled with compassion and love. A soulmate is someone who reminds us of the beauty that surrounds us. Cheesy as it sounds, a soulmate helps us see things with clarity. Your soulmate accepts your flaws, your quirks, and is your weird soul twin.

A soulmate is ‘your person’ and the bond you share with each other can never be rivalled. But how do you know your best friend is actually your soulmate? Well, your relationship probably looks and feels like this:

No Bullshit, Just Truth

Your best friend is never one to protect your feelings with lies. She tells you like it is and helps you face the harsh reality. If she doesn’t approve of your bad habits, she’s saving you from them.

Blind Trust

You trust her with every fibre of your being. You trust her to guard your secrets closely because you know she will take them to her grave. She’s probably the only one you trust and also the only one to know your darkest, dirtiest, or most embarrassing secrets. She never judges you or tries to change you, no matter how bad it gets.

No Such Thing As Too Much Information

Your relationship has no boundaries and you are comfortable with each other. From knowing each other’s bodily functions all too well to family secrets, you share every detail of your day with her. Even distance doesn’t stop you from updating your best friend about your constipation.

Her Happiness Is Your Happiness

Image Source: Metro Journalist

Your best friend encourages you to reach your potential. Her happiness is seeing you succeed at your job or completing a tough level on Angry Birds. She beams with pride every time you accomplish something and will be the first one to celebrate your achievements with you. She makes you want to be a better person just so you can see her smile.

Your Future Plans Include Her

You and your best friend have plans to conquer and travel the world. You probably made a pact to marry each other if you’re still single at 30. Even if you’re separated by a continent, you continue making plans with her. You can’t imagine your life without her presence and if she travels, you make plans for a lunch date when she returns.

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