5 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Approach Work Differently

The Productivity Revolution
3 min readAug 12, 2015

Being a successful entrepreneur is all about having the right approach. If your team, your goal, and your skill-sets are in place, then all you need to know are the key principles that leading entrepreneurs across the globe follow and apply them to your business. Here are 5 few ways how successful entrepreneurs approach their work differently.

1. They believe 1 + 1 = 3.

Successful people believe in team power. They don’t work alone inside glassy, air conditioned cubicles. They step out to meet, talk and share ideas with their employees. They know success can’t be be achieved alone.

Successful leaders are always brainstorming, cracking ideas and solving problems with their team. Their leadership mantra is simple: build the best team possible and get to work on the best possible ideas.

2. They aim for giving value, not earning profit.

We are living in the start-up age. Every student out of the college aims to carry a CEO tag and earn ‘big’ bucks. Most of them don’t care about what people want.

Even though success in business is technically measured by money, but to be successful, aiming for money is the last thing one must do. Successful leaders aim at providing value, instead of earning profit.

3. They focus on quality over quantity.

Most people compromise on quality because it’s painstaking. A work of quality demands hours and hours of rigorous effort. It’s time consuming and requires one to be extremely patient.

We don’t see the amount of blood and sweat behind a fine piece of design. We don’t see the countless number of failures behind the making of a simple product (like the iPhone). Most people only see the glory, fame and money behind its success, and go about chasing that.

4. They encourage creativity.

Constant work on creativity leads to innovation. These days companies are working on making office spaces that inspire creativity. Many companies have stopped thinking ‘cabins’, they are thinking open spaces where employees can walk, talk, learn and play — the key to being creative.

Companies are understanding the value of creativity and doing everything to induce it in their company’s culture. Take Google’s office for instance. They have invested a lot into making it a space that encourages and inspires creative thinking.

5. They never lose focus.

If there is anything that gets the work done in this world, is razor-sharp focus on the essentials.

If you focus on what needs to be done instead of wasting time on unnecessary things, you’ll be productive. You won’t waste your time and energy doing useless things.

This builds pace, raises momentum that leads to exponential progress.

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Originally published at www.lmt-lss.com.



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