Update: Charity on Chain — 23.5 Million in August

The Link — Art Blocks
3 min readSep 9, 2021
Fake Internet Money #822 — Steve Pikelny

On August 4th, I updated the Charity on Chain article originally posted in May (original article, updated article). From November to May, Art Blocks facilitated $300k in donations. From May to August, we facilitated $2.3m in donations. Given the craziness of the past month, I thought it would be appropriate to update last month’s article.

In August alone, Artists on Art Blocks have facilitated ~23.5 million dollars for charity, bringing the total donations by artists through the platform to ~26 million dollars.

This has left me truly speechless, so I won’t bore you with an intro. I’ll get right into the projects and the charities that have benefited from on-chain generative art.

MAJOR DISCLAIMERS: Due to the nature of Ethereum value fluctuations and different tax laws, the numbers in this article are most likely not accurate. Some charities have a crypto wallet, making it easy to send their donations via Art Blocks’ smart contract. Other charities have red tape to work through before they can accept large donations. Also, tax obligations are all over the map and vary greatly. This article is meant to give the community a general idea of donation totals, not exact numbers.

To arrive at these totals, I either 1) asked the artists for the total donated, 2) asked the artist for the ETH (or stable coin) set aside for the charity, or 3) calculated the totals based on the amount pledged and the price of Ethereum on the day the project sold out.

Last, some charities are not equipped to accept crypto donations, or they won’t accept large donations from unknown donors, so the charities are subject to change at the artists’ discretion. However, the pledged amount will not change.

[Amount | Charity | Project | Artist(s)]

· $18,000 for Interact of Wake County via [Dis]entanglement by OnlyGenerated

· $20,000 for National Alliance to End Homelessness via Ecumenopolis by Josh Bagley

· $86,000 split between Trussell Trust, Refugee Action, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, and three local charities via Nucleus by Hjalmar Åström.

· $96,720 for GiveWell via The Liths of Sisyphus by nonfigurative.

· $166,582 for Girls who Code via Calendart by steen and n-e-o.

· $195,000 for Processing Foundation via Good Vibrations by Aluan Wang.

· $221,418.88 for Processing Foundation via Organized Disruption by Joshua Davis / PrayStation.

· $250,000 split between Every Shelter, Rainforest Foundation, Clean Air Task Force, and Climate Vault via Timepiece by WAWAA.

· $395,157 for GiveWell via Unknown Signals by k0ch.

· $430,000 for Rhizome via Endless Nameless by Rafaël Rozendaal.

· $437,152.37 for Scholastic Labs via SpiroFlakes Alexander Reben.

· $585,000 for Give Directly via Fake Internet Money by Steve Pikelny.

· $670,382 for Oxygen for Indonesia via Scribbled Boundaries by William Tan.

· $751,423 for bladelibrary.jp via Obicera by Alexis André.

· $978,000 split between Doctors Without Borders, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Leader Dogs for The Blind, and local charities via phase by Loren Bednar.

· $1,054,578 for Habitat for Humanity via Neighborhood by Jeff Davis.

· $1,164,316 for UNICEF via autoRAD by sgt_slaughtermelon & Tartaria Archivist.

· $1,383,050 for the Processing Foundation via Alien Insects by Shvembldr.

· $1,440,000 for Randers Rainforest Wildlife Foundation via Rapture by Thomas Lin Pedersen.

· $1,472,374 for Give Directly via Dot Matrix Gradient Study by Jake Rockland.

· $1,750,000 split amoung Save the Redwoods League and other environmental charities via Eccentrics 2: Orbits by Radix.

· $2,000,000 split between The Charles Darwin Foundation, Refugees International, and InConcerto via Pigments by Darien Brito.

· $2,099,557 split between OpenArms and Marilles Foundation via Trossets by Anna Carreras.

· $2,887,516 split between Treemates.net, an artist fund to help new artists get started, and the Generative Art Fund via Beatboxes by Zeblocks.

· $3,487,896 split between Information Technology & Innovation Foundation and Coalition for Rain forest Nations via Geometry Runners by Rich Lord.

