Getting to Know Linus

Introducing Crawford Leeds, Software Engineer

Matthew Nemer
The Linus Blog


I am pleased to continue with the latest installment of “Getting To Know Linus, ” the series where we learn a little more about the team behind the product. Last month, we introduced our first hire, Jake Russell. When recruiting for our second hire, we posted a public job listing. We didn’t know what to expect from the candidate pool, but we knew we wanted to hear more from the developer with a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering. That candidate, Crawford Leeds, was quickly given an offer.

Q: Why did you join the team at Linus?

A: I joined the team to help facilitate mass adoption of cryptocurrencies as I felt growth into new markets had stagnated due to a lack of widely accessible tools and the appropriate economic incentives. I’m confident Linus’ approach to serving retail customers will enable investors and customers to unlock the value proposition of decentralized financial services.

Q: How do you explain Linus and your work to your friends and family?

A: Our marketing site is pretty good — have you seen it? That, plus my referral link, works pretty well.

Q: What’s something you wish you knew how to do and something you know how to do that you never want to do again?

A: I’d like to learn to weld, properly. I’ve done a tiny bit of mig welding when I converted a car to electric (back before Tesla’s were available for <$100k). Now I’m working on a mid-engine LS swap on an e46 3 series in my free time, so I’m going to need to figure out how to do some more serious welding on the weekends.

Q: How do you define success?

A: Success is when the numbers go up and to the right. The market serves as a good proxy for success, so right now providing more customers with access to our lending markets is quite satisfying.

Q: What wild animal best captures your personality?

A: The Asian palm civet. They seem friendly and you can make great coffee from beans they digest and … leave behind.

Crawford’s passion for building Linus is rivaled only by his love of mining Ethereum Classic. His inherent curiosity for the technology is one of the reasons why Linus was able to move from idea to reality.

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Matthew Nemer
The Linus Blog

Matthew Nemer is the Co-Founder & CEO of Linus — The Better Way to Save