Getting to Know Linus

Introducing Justin Aiello, Software Engineer

Matthew Nemer
The Linus Blog


For the past couple of months we’ve been sharing updates about Linus and how we’re helping everyday investors access high yield interest rates available in digital asset credit markets. Now that we’ve shared a little about what Linus is, we’d like to introduce who we are. Over the next few months we’ll be publishing a short Q&A with each member of our crew.

We’ll start with the most recent addition to the Linus team, Justin Aiello. As a front-end software engineer, he has brought a polished and pixel-perfect look to Linus. Justin currently resides in Asheville, N.C. When he’s not programming, you can find Justin spending time with friends and family, reading a good sci-fi or fantasy book, and buying more house plants than he actually needs.

Question: Why did you join the team at Linus?

Answer: I joined Linus because I wanted to be on the ground floor of something new and exciting with some super talented people. I’ve been interested in getting involved with FinTech and cryptocurrency since I began programming and I saw Linus as a great fit to get involved in that space.

Q: How do you explain Linus and your work to your friends and family?

A: I tell my friends and family that Linus leverages digital assets backed by the U.S. dollar to provide inflation-beating yields on cash accounts. When it comes to my daily work I tell friends and family that I take designs and turn them into functional (and, might I say, good-looking) features and user interfaces for Linus and its users.

Q: What’s something you wish you knew how to do and something you know how to do that you never want to do again?

A: I wish I knew how to play the piano! It’s been one of those skills that I’ve always wanted to learn, but just haven’t gotten around to studying.

I was an organic vegetable farmer before I became a software engineer, so I know how to grow just about any vegetable. Those days were fun and I learned a lot, but I’ll leave it to someone else to grow my veggies in the future.

Q: How do you define success?

A: I define success as much more than simply setting a goal and achieving that goal. For me, success also means that I’ve learned something, challenged myself, and put my best effort forward towards completing my goal.

Q: What’s your go-to karaoke song?

A: “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion. That late ’90s Titanic nostalgia is always a crowd pleaser.

Justin is one of the unique and fascinating people shaping Linus. We look forward to sharing more about the rest of the team over the coming months.

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Matthew Nemer
The Linus Blog

Matthew Nemer is the Co-Founder & CEO of Linus — The Better Way to Save