Congratulations to Team Onessus and the Other DAPP Hackathon Winners!

Blockstart, Malta Block, Rekt.Land, and BCS Germany joined Team Onessus in claiming incredible prizes.

DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog
6 min readDec 5, 2019


The DAPP Network Hackathon brought together a global community of developers, entrepreneurs, marketers, and product designers to build scalable products on EOSIO using LiquidApps services. 234 participants from across 12 time zones got involved, with 20 projects being submitted by the submission deadline!

In the last installment, we recapped the epic DAPP Network Hackathon and took a look at some of the projects that became finalists. Now, without further ado, here are the projects which were chosen as winners by the judges and the community.

First Place: Onessus

Taking home first prize at the DAPP Network Hackathon — $15,000 and 500,000 DAPP — was team Onessus, who combined all three themes — gaming, DeFi, and the creation of a new DAPP Network service — into a working product that thoroughly impressed the judges.

The team, which was led by a father and son duo, combined an escrow service running on the DAPP Network with a Discord integration in order to create the Global Economic Esports Community (GEEC). Gamers challenge each other to wager matches using GEEC, and they are immediately assigned a Discord group which includes both players and a referee. Match results are then stored on-chain, allowing fully decentralized eSports leagues to emerge. Players and referees can rank up based on reputation and receive greater rewards for doing so. LiquidAccounts is crucial to enabling a quick and seamless gameplay experience for eSports dApps such as GEEC. Additionally, Onessus chose to extend the DAPP Network’s functionality as part of their submission by introducing the LiquidEscrow service as a key component of the GEEC.

A preview of the GEEC dApp

For Dante Scott, Jon Scott, and Chuck Macdonald, “the next steps will be polishing the economic model, integrating a team-building mechanic into the smart contract, and testing to prepare for mainnet launch.”

According to Dante, “this was our first hackathon, so I don’t think anybody should be afraid to compete if they haven’t participated in a hackathon previously.”

Second Place: Blockstart

REX, the EOS resource exchange, allows EOS holders to lend their resources out to dApp developers through the REX mechanism and accumulate interest in return. Despite holding over $220 million worth of EOS and being one of the largest applications of DeFi out there, REX still holds significantly fewer EOS than centralized exchanges. For many token holders, the convenience of keeping their tokens on centralized exchanges outweighs their desire to generate interest by lending out their tokens on REX and participate in governance.

Watch the presentation that got Blockstart into the finals!

Blockstart’s resource lending platform fuses LiquidAccounts, vRAM, and LiquidOracles in order to enable EOS holders on centralized exchanges to participate in both resource lending and governance. Their seamless exchange interface allows token holders to lend their EOS and participate in BP voting, all without having to exit their preferred centralized exchange.

This solution is especially timely given the discontent in the community with recent CPU challenges for dApps. Raman Bindlish, leader of the Blockstart team, was delighted at having “managed to build a very low overhead and low-cost prototype that can be deployed in a real exchange and bring a huge shift in the participation of EOS token holders.”

Third Place: BCS Germany

Sometimes an idea is so crazy, you just have to make it happen. That was the case with LiquidGalaxy, the space-based MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) built by BCS Germany during the DAPP Network Hackathon. Players travel across virtual galaxies, which grow over time under unpredictable conditions while still adhering to physical and natural laws. They mine resources, craft assets, and trade astronomical objects as they go. The evolving universe spawns new suns at randomized positions regularly, all while still adhering to the laws of nature. LiquidScheduler is used to schedule the spawns, and LiquidOracles provides the necessary random elements for the generation of suns.

Explore a virtual galaxy built with the DAPP Netork.

Blockchain-based gaming is a rapidly growing market, as developers begin to shift from mini-games and Cryptokitties clones towards building blockbuster games on blockchain. Corvin Meyer, team leader at BCS Germany, explains how the DAPP Network enables blockchain gaming to take the next step up: “Time-based events, randomization, complex CPU-intensive calculations, and enough available memory are indispensable for games that are bigger than the usual blockchain game. And that’s where the DAPP Network and its services come in. By using the DAPP Network it is possible to extend the functionality of a game to the maximum and to fulfill these criteria.”

In addition to the top three prizes, hackathon participants were given the opportunity to vote for their favorite project. When the votes were tallied, two teams each earned the same number of votes and so we decided to split the Crowd Favorite prize between them.

Crowd Favorite I: Malta Block

Privacy-focused dApps require sophisticated data encryption systems to function, yet the availability of such systems are constrained by the cost and limitations of network resources required to build them.

With Malta Block’s new LiquidCrypto service, DSPs can offer a whole suite of battle-tested cryptographic algorithms for developers to use out of the box. Developers can harness the secret inputs generated by the LiquidCrypto service to build anonymous voting dApps, privacy coins, and secure multi-party computation. Malta Block implemented the first scalable, anonymous voting protocol using blind signatures in order to showcase LiquidCrypto in action.

Crowd Favorite II: Rekt.Land

Rekt.Land is a blockchain-based board game where players move around the board with the aim of collecting copper, silver, and gold keys.

Once all three keys are obtained, players gain access to the Arcane Citadel and win the game. Signup and gameplay are made seamless with LiquidAccounts, while vRAM is used to minimize the amount of data stored in RAM. In another example of a key DAPP Network feature, the game utilizes LiquidOracle’s random number generator to ensure randomness in the dice-rolling process.

The entire LiquidApps team had a fantastic time during the Hackathon, where we were all together for the Tel Aviv on-site hackathon. The sheer quality of the projects blew us, the judges and the community away, and we can’t wait to see these new innovations grow and evolve the DAPP Network

.Just because the Hackathon is over doesn’t mean the building stops. If a week of hacking was enough to give rise to so many wonderful projects, we know that continuing to build on the DAPP Network will push the envelope of scalable dApps. Now is the time. Join the many teams building scalable, flexible, immortal dApps!

Get in touch with our tech team and other experienced developers from the community on our Developer’s chat.

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DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog

DAPP Network aims to optimize development on the blockchain by equipping developers with a range of products for building and scaling dApps.