DAPP Network Grants/Bounties Terms and Conditions

DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog
23 min readMar 4, 2021



1.1. The DAPP Network Grant Program (the “Program”) is a frame for holding competitions each with different independent goals and grants. Enrolment in each of the grant challenges, and in the Program as a whole, is allowed for both teams and individuals, but participants cannot be a member of more than one team or switch teams.

1.2. Each team may only take part in the development and submission of one project. However, the submission of that project can be enrolled in more than one grant challenge, as will be described further below.

1.3. Each team must nominate an individual that will act as the team representative (“Team Leader”), being the sole contact person regarding all matters relating to the Program. The individual user who has been selected as the Team Leader should invite all other team members to join his team on the Program Platform.

1.4. Participants must be at least 18 years or older, or have reached the age of majority in the relevant jurisdiction, to be eligible to participate in the Program.

1.5. By enrolling in each of the grant challenges, and in the Program as a whole, participants shall be deemed to have accepted the Program Rules and Terms and Conditions.

Grants Program — General Rules

2.1. The Program starts on January 21st 2020, at 18:00 UTC (“Program’s Starting Date”) and ends on September 30th, 2021 at 18:00 UTC (“Program’s Closing Date”).

2.2. The various challenges and grants in the Program are independent. They could be opened on different dates, and each grant challenge may be evaluated and closed regardless of other grant challenges, that might be available for participation at the same time, according to its specific applicable Minimum Requirements as described below. Grant considered to be available for participation only while it appears under the THEMES section in the Platform.

2.3. Unless as may be defined for specific future challenges from time to time, the deadline for submissions is the Program’s Closing Date. HOWEVER — in each grant challenge, the first submission to be approved by LiquidApps as a Qualifying Submission (as defined below) will entitle its creator/s with the grant prize and, by that will bring that specific grant to its end. Until a Qualified Submission is not confirmed — a grant challenge will remain open for submissions (although submissions made may not be reviewed at all in case an earlier submission in this grant has been declared as the Qualified Submission). For each grant, submissions shall be reviewed by the order of submissions to that specific grant.

2.4. Fresh code is not enforced: Teams are encouraged to implement the DAPP Network services on their existing projects and code. Teams are also allowed to utilize and include open-source repositories and libraries.

2.5. KEEP YOUR PERSONAL KEYS SAFE! — no member of the LiquidApps team will ever ask you about your personal keys. If you witness such an incident, please report to grants@liquidapps.io at once.

Guidelines for Submissions

3.1. Each Team Leader shall submit his team’s dApp in the Platform. Submissions contrary to the guidelines described under this section will be disqualified and will not be evaluated.

3.2. dApps can be submitted to a grant at any time after the grant started.

Qualifying Submissions

3.3. A “Qualified Submission” with respect to each specific grant challenge, shall be the first submitted dApp to be confirmed by LiquidApps as satisfying and complying with both the Mandatory Items and the Minimum Requirements as described below (or any other criteria that may be set for a future challenge, as may be applicable). Each grant can have up to one Qualified Submission.

Mandatory Items for submission

3.3.1. All Qualifying Submissions must include the following items (“Mandatory Items”):

  • Link: A link to the submitted Running dApp.
  • Accounts: A list of accounts the dApp smart contracts are using for their ongoing operations.
  • Providers: A list of DAPP Service Providers (“DSPs”) and their service packages the dApp is using for its ongoing operations.
  • Approval: An official document, written and signed by the dApp’s authorized signatory, approving the submission and delegating the Team Leader on behalf of the dApp.
  • Explanation: For each smart contract action that utilizes the grant’s service, provide the following information:
  • - Why was the specific service selected and used?
  • - Is the action used directly by a user, by a backend process, or both?

Please note: Bridge to Chainlink Bounty’s Mandatory Items for submission are defined in section 3.3.11 hereunder.

Please note: LiquidRandomness Bounty’s Mandatory Items for submission are defined in section 3.3.16 hereunder.

Minimum Requirements for submission

3.3.2. All Qualifying Submissions must also meet the following technical specifications and requirements (the “Minimum Requirements”):

  • Running dApp: The submission must be a functional version of a decentralized application and must include a smart contract.
  • Deployment: The submitted dApp will be publically deployed on a Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Delegated Proof of Stake, or any other blockchain that is connected to the DAPP Network.
  • DSPs: The submitted dApp must use at least one DSP that has been deployed on EOS mainnet before the Program’s Starting Date.
  • Please note: Teams may deploy and run their own DSP node as part of the Program and use it with their submitted dApp, even if it was deployed after the Program’s Starting Date. In that case, the submitted dApp must use at least one additional DSP, which is not operated by the submitting team, and that was deployed on EOS mainnet before the Program’s Starting Date.

Please note: Bridge to Chainlink Bounty’s Minimum Requirements for submission are defined in section 3.3.12 hereunder.

Please note: LiquidRandomness Bounty’s Minimum Requirements for submission are defined in section 3.3.17 hereunder.

Additional Minimum Requirements — LiquidOracles Grant

3.3.3. In addition to the general Mandatory Items and Minimum Requirements, as described in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 above, the Qualifying Submission for the LiquidOracles Grant must also achieve the following usage stats (“LiquidOracles Usage Targets”) during the period starting from the Program’s Starting Date until the submission date (“Counting Days”):
Total number of LiquidOracles transactions: The submitted dApp’s smart contact must perform transactions that results in at least 1,000,000 dappservices::usage actions under the oracleservic service during the Counting Days.

  • Majority of user interactions: At least 75% of the LiquidOracles transactions described above under “Total number of LiquidOracles transactions” must occur as a result of user interaction, and not as part of any regularly scheduled or recurring event that is part of the generic operation of the dApp.
  • Examples:
    (i) Acceptable: A user may roll a die or lookup the geo-location of a place;
    (ii) Acceptable: A random number is generated every minute for the duration of a session started by a user;
    (iii) Not Acceptable: A universal price feed is updated every 5 minutes.

Additional Minimum Requirements — LiquidAccounts Grant

3.3.4. In addition to the general Mandatory Items and Minimum Requirements, as described in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 above, the Qualifying Submission for the LiquidAccounts Grant must also achieve the following usage stats (“LiquidAccounts Usage Targets”) during the period starting from the Program’s Starting Date until the submission date (“Counting Days”):
Total number of LiquidAccounts transactions: The submitted dApp’s smart contact must perform transactions that results in at least 1,000,000 dappservices::usage actions under accountless1 service during the counting days.

Additional Minimum Requirements — LiquidScheduler Grant

3.3.5. In addition to the general Mandatory Items and Minimum Requirements, as described in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 above, the Qualifying Submission for the LiquidScheduler Grant must also achieve the following usage stats (“LiquidScheduler Usage Targets”) during the period starting from the Program’s Starting Date until the submission date (“Counting Days”):

  • Total number of LiquidScheduler transactions: The submitted dApp’s smart contact must perform transactions that results in at least 1,000,000 dappservices::usage actions under cronservices service during the counting days.
  • Counting transactions: Only new scheduled events that were created using schedule_timer and remove_timer helper functions are counted as transactions with regards to the “Total number of LiquidScheduler transactions” section above, and they must be called as a result of user interaction.

(i) A user schedules to transfer a token once a day for 28 days. This counts as one transaction, not 28 transactions;
(ii) A user begins a session that schedules an event that occurs once a minute until the session ends. This counts as two transactions (one for schedule_timer and one for remove_timer);
(iii) A universal price feed is updated every 5 minutes. This doesn’t count as a transaction.

Additional Minimum Requirements — The vRAM System Grant

3.3.6. In addition to the general Mandatory Items and Minimum Requirements, as described in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 above, the Qualifying Submission for the vRAM System Grant must also achieve the following usage stats (“vRAM Usage Targets”) during the period starting from the Program’s Starting Date until the submission date (“Counting Days”):
Total number of vRAM transactions: The submitted dApp’s smart contact must perform transactions that results in at least 3,500,000 dappservices::usage actions under ipfsservice1 service during the counting days.

Additional Minimum Requirements and Mandatory Items for submission — DAPP Drive Bounty

3.3.7. In addition to the general Mandatory Items, as described in sections 3.3.1 above, All Qualifying Submissions for the DAPP Drive Bounty must also include a detailed explanation. This could be in the form of a video, presentation or document, explaining the concept of the submitted dApp and demonstrating the Minimum Requirements.

3.3.8. In addition to the Minimum Requirements, as described in section 3.3.2 above, the Qualifying Submission for the DAPP Drive Bounty must also meet the following technical specifications and requirements:

  • Using LiquidStorage: The submitted dApp must explicitly use the DAPP Network’s LiquidStorage service.
  • Customized redundancy: The submitted dApp must enable a range of redundancy levels, by allowing the end-user to choose how many DSPs will be hosting the stored data.
  • Encryption compatibility: The submitted dApp must allow the end-user to enable a symmetric and quantum-resistant encryption feature.

3.3.9. Advanced Encryption Bonus: The winning team, as defined herewith, will stand the option to win a bonus in case it includes Multi-party or Group encryption capability in its submission.

Minimum Requirements for submission and the Mandatory Items for submission — DAPP Network’s Bridge to Chainlink Bounty

3.3.10. For the purpose of the DAPP Network’s Bridge to Chainlink Bounty, the Minimum Requirements for submission and the Mandatory Items for submission, as described in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 above, shall be replaced entirely by Sections 3.3.11 and 3.3.12 herein.

3.3.11. In order to be considered a Qualifying Submission for the DAPP Network’s Bridge to Chainlink Bounty, it must include the following items:
Source Code: A link to a private GitHub repository or a compressed file, containing all of the service’s source code. Please note: In order to receive the grant, the winning team needs to open source their code (MIT License).

  • Demo: A running example of the submitted solution on an EOSIO chain that is connected to the DAPP Network, which includes a preview of updated values taken from the chosen data feeds).


  • dApp level instructions (“user manual”) for using the solution and connecting the dApp to Chainlink’s feeds and data sources.
  • A technical description and overview of the LiquidOracles’-Chainlink’s solution.

3.3.12. DAPP Network’s Bridge to Chainlink Bounty’s Minimum Requirements for submission:
Using LiquidOracles: The submitted solution must explicitly use the DAPP Network’s LiquidOracles service.
Connection to Chainlink: The submitted solution must support all features outlined below.

3.3.13. DAPP Compensation Mechanism Bonus: The winning team, as defined herewith, will stand the option to win up to 100,000 DAPP tokens bonus in case it includes a compensation of costs mechanism that utilizes DAPP tokens staking.

3.3.14. Running dApp: The winning team, as defined herewith, will stand the option to win up to 100,000 DAPP tokens bonus in case it submits a functional version of their solution, running on an EOSIO chain that is connected to the DAPP Network (including, but not limited to, testnets), with an interface (UI) that allows for: (i) Subscription to a Chainlink data feed, including a preview of the current values of these feeds; (ii) addition or removal of data feeds, according to the supported data sources of the submitted running dApp.

Minimum Requirements for submission and the Mandatory Items for submission — DAPP Network’s LiquidRandomness Bounty

3.3.15. For the purpose of the DAPP Network’s Bridge to Chainlink Bounty, the Minimum Requirements for submission and the Mandatory Items for submission, as described in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 above, shall be replaced entirely by Sections 3.3.16 and 3.3.17 herein.

3.3.16. In order to be considered a Qualifying Submission for the DAPP Network’s LiquidRandomness Bounty, it must include the following items:

  • Source Code: A link to a private GitHub repository or a compressed file, containing all of the service’s source code. Please note: In order to receive the grant, the winning team needs to open source their code (LiquidApps License).
  • Demo: A running example of the submitted solution on an EOSIO chain that is connected to the DAPP Network, which includes a preview of a random numbers generation process.


  • dApp level instructions (“user manual”) for using the solution.
  • A technical description and overview of the submitted LiquidRandomness solution.

3.3.17. DAPP Network’s LiquidRandomness Bounty’s Minimum Requirements for submission:

  • Using LiquidHarmony: The submitted solution must explicitly use the DAPP Network’s LiquidHarmony oracle logic in order to provide verifiably tamper-proof randomness.
  • Multiple DSPs: The submitted solution must use multiple DSPs, while allowing for increased randomness (by means of a higher number of DSPs) without the potential for maliciously manipulated results.
  • Avoidance of Predictions: The submitted solution must ensure that no entity (DSP, smart contract, or user) can predict the outcome of the random number that was generated.
  • Avoidance of Preventing Transactions: The submitted solution must ensure that no entity (DSP, smart contract, or user) can prevent the original transaction requiring the random number according to the result of the random number generation process.
  • Support End-User Provided Seed: The submitted solution must support an end-user provided seed to be included in each random number generation.

Please note: A contract shall be able to request more than one random number in a single action.

Please note: A user transaction shall be able to contain more than one action that requires random numbers.

3.3.18. Reasonably Safe 1-DSP Solution Bonus: The winning team, as defined herewith, will stand the option to win up to 50,000 DAPP tokens bonus in case its solution allows for meeting the Minimum Requirements (other than ‘Multiple DSPs’) while using only 1 (one) DSP.

3.3.19. Avoiding Fatal Collusion Bonus: The winning team, as defined herewith, will stand the option to win up to 50,000 DAPP tokens bonus in case its solution allows for meeting the Minimum Requirements even if all DSPs participating in the random number generation process collude.

3.3.20. Collateral Mechanism Bonus: The winning team, as defined herewith, will stand the option to win up to 50,000 DAPP tokens bonus in case its solution includes a collateral mechanism, allowing for the distribution of the collateral if a DSP/s didn’t participate in the random number generation process, and/or preventing the resolution of a user transaction that requested a random number.

Guidelines for Submissions — Cont.

3.4. Organic usage is enforced: the usage stats that are described under “LiquidOracles Usage Targets”, “LiquidAccounts Usage Targets”, “LiquidScheduler Usage Targets”, and “vRAM Usage Targets” above must be an organic part of the dApp’s ongoing operations. Specifically, the usage inline actions, which are sent automatically after each DSP response, must not be tampered with (e.g no additional actions can be sent beyond those who already exist in the services’ source code), and using bots to simulate real usage is not allowed.
Important note: We are looking for projects that are based on the activity of actual users (living and breathing human beings), and only organic transactions made by actual users will be counted towards the Program. Projects that demonstrate a substantial volume of automated transactions will not be reviewed.

3.5. Teams are allowed, but not obligated, to submit additional materials which they think could contribute to their submission (e.g. snapshots, presentation, instructions, etc., “Additional Materials”). Any Additional Materials must be submitted through the Platform.

3.6. Teams are allowed, but not obligated, to submit a single dApp to participate in multiple DAPP Network grant challenges (if such additional grants are available). In that case, and in order to be considered and eligible to win each different grant, the submitted dApp must meet the Minimum Requirements and Usage Targets for each grant it is submitted to.

3.7. By submitting your dApp for review you confirm your submission complies with the following:

  • It does not breach the Program Rules and Terms and Conditions.
  • It does not breach the terms and conditions of any embedded software or service used by your submission.
  • It does not, and/or is not reasonably deemed to violate any third party intellectual property rights, or any other privacy or proprietary rights.
  • It does not contain or refer to any crude, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, disparaging, discriminatory, offensive, illegal or otherwise unsuitable language, activity or other content (all as determined by LiquidApps in its sole discretion).
  • It does not and/or is not reasonably deemed to contain any content that violates any law or any third party’s rights (including without limitation privacy, personality and intellectual property rights).
  • It does not contain viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, backdoors, or any other types of disabling, harmful, or malicious code.

3.8. LiquidApps may disqualify submissions, at its sole discretion, with or without warning, in the case that they do not comply with the Program Rules and/or the Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to the criteria set under section 3.7 above.

3.9. LiquidApps is not responsible for any lost, delayed, misdirected, incomplete, damaged or undeliverable submissions.

Evaluation of the Submitted projects

4.1. A panel of LiquidApps employees (the “Evaluators”) will evaluate each of the submitted projects to determine whether it can be considered a Qualifying Submission, and whether it met the Minimum Requirements and Usage Targets of that specific grant.

4.2. The submissions will be evaluated according to the following evaluation criteria (the “Criteria”), and must meet them all:
(i) Filling the Mandatory Items to become a Qualifying Submission, as described in section 3.3.1 above;
(ii) Meeting the Minimum Requirements, as described in section 3.3.2 above;
(iii) Meeting the Usage Targets and complying with the Organic Usage Enforcement of the specific grant, as described in sections 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5, 3.3.6, and 3.4 above.
Please note: Failing to meet any of the Criteria will prevent a submission from becoming a Qualifying Submission, as defined in section 3.3.

4.3. The submissions will be independently evaluated under the Evaluators’ exclusive and complete discretion according to the order of submission, starting with the earliest in each grant. If the first evaluated submission met the Criteria — it will be declared the winner of that grant and the grant will be over. If not, the next dApp according to the order of submission will be evaluated, and so on, until a winning team is declared.

4.4. If a dApp was submitted to more than one grant challenge, it will be reviewed and evaluated independently in each challenge.

4.5. In case a submission meets the Criteria, the submitting Team Leader will be required to complete a transaction from the dApp’s account to a specific account that will be provided to him by LiquidApps, and include a given memo. The details for the transaction will be sent over an email from an official liquidapps.io domain. If the submitted dApp is using more than one account, LiquidApps will have sole discretion in choosing which account will be used.
Please note: The submitting Team Leader will have 48 hours to complete the transaction as described in this section from the moment the email was sent from LiquidAppst. Failing to do so in the given time will result in disqualifying the submission.

4.6. In case a submission does not meet the Criteria, the submitting team will be notified by email on the Evaluators decision. The Evaluators are not obligated to explain or substantiate their decision to the submitting team who’s submission does not meet the Criteria.

4.7 In case the DAPP Drive Bounty’s winning team included Multi-party or Group encryption capability in its submission, it will also be reviewed and evaluated by the Evaluators. In that case, the Evaluators will have exclusive and complete discretion to decide whether to award a bonus to the winning team and the bonus’ value in DAPP tokens.

4.8. In case the Bridge to Chainlink Bounty’s winning team included Compensation Mechanism and/or Running dApp in its submission, these will also be reviewed and evaluated by the Evaluators. In that case, the Evaluators will have exclusive and complete discretion to decide whether to award a bonus to the winning team and the bonus’ value in DAPP tokens.

4.9. In case the LiquidRandomness Bounty’s winning team included a Reasonably Safe 1-DSP Solution and/or Avoiding Fatal Collusion solution and/or Collateral Mechanism in its submission, these will also be reviewed and evaluated by the Evaluators. In that case, the Evaluators will have exclusive and complete discretion to decide whether to award a bonus to the winning team and the bonus’ value in DAPP tokens.

4.10. All Evaluators’ decisions are final and shall not be subjected to any further procedures or appeals.


5.1. Prizes amounts:

  • The LiquidOracles Grant: 75,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The LiquidAccounts Grant: 75,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The LiquidScheduler Grant: 75,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The vRAM System Grant: 75,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The DAPP Drive Bounty: 150,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The DAPP Drive Bounty Bonus: up to 100,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The Bridge to Chainlink Bounty: 150,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The Bridge to Chainlink Bounty’s DAPP Compensation Mechanism Bonus: up to 100,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The Bridge to Chainlink Bounty’s Running dApp Bonus: up to 100,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The LiquidRandomness Bounty: 150,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The LiquidRandomness Reasonably Safe 1-DSP Solution Bonus: up to 50,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The LiquidRandomness Avoiding Fatal Collusion Bonus: up to 50,000 DAPP tokens.
  • The LiquidRandomness Collateral Mechanism Bonus: up to 50,000 DAPP tokens.

5.2. Prizes shall be paid once to the winning team’s Team Leader, which shall be responsible to split the prizes between the team members. LiquidApps has no responsibility for how prize money or other prizes are distributed between the members of a team or for any other disagreement between team members.

5.3. Participants, either individuals or team, are exclusively liable and responsible for any applicable tax liability for participation in the Program or receipt of a prize, or costs or expenses relating to participation in the Program or the operation and ownership of the submitted project.


6.1. General information regarding the Program, including the Rules of Participation and Terms and Conditions, can be found on the Platform.

6.2. The Program’s formal communication environment is the DAPP Network’s designated Slack workspace (“Slack”, click to enter). Announcements, updates and other relevant information will be given on Slack and it is the participants’ sole responsibility to monitor it for any update or change.

6.3. All the participants will be added to the following channels on Slack:
#announcements — formal announcements, updates, and messages that relate to all Program participants will be published there. Only admins can post on this channel.

  • #find-team — a dedicated channel for participants to get in touch with each other, search for team members and form teams.
  • #general — a channel for all non-technical related discussions and general information.
  • #rules — for questions and clarifications regarding the Rules, Terms & Conditions, and grey areas. Please note: Only answers given by the LiquidApps team are to be considered official responses.
  • #guidance — for support and guidance with the product, the business aspects of your project, pitching it, and any non-technical issues.
  • #tech-support — Q&A Zone for technical support. Mentoring and technical guidance along the Program will be given on this channel.
  • #dsp-support — for technical support regarding working with DSPs, accessing service packages and similar issues.
  • #random — a dedicated channel for conversations regarding non-Program related matters.

6.4. Participants are allowed to open private channels and one-on-one chats on Slack for internal communication regarding their submission.

6.5. Participants are required to be courteous to their fellow developers, behave in a professional manner, and treat them with respect and dignity. Failing to meet this rule might result in expelling from Slack and/or the Program.

Intellectual Property

LiquidApps has no, and shall have no liability, responsibility or accountability regarding or in connection to Participants intellectual property rights, and any related claims thereto.

7.1. Each Participant, Team and/or individual Team members bears the exclusive responsibility to determine the applicable terms regarding ownership of intellectual property rights to their respective project (including between participating Teams, and within the Teams themselves). Participant represents and warrants that they have all intellectual property rights in all materials, information, data, know how, code and other forms of intellectual property used to create their projects, and all rights to agree and determine the terms of ownership, rights and use with any applicable party. This representation includes, without limitation, the fact that participants will not use any licensed intellectual property in the creation of the project.

7.2. Despite any provision set forth herein to the contrary, each team hereby grants LiquidApps a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except to affiliates), worldwide, royalty-free license to their project for purposes of operating and promoting the Program and similar future events, as LiquidApps shall deem fit at its own discretion.

7.3. Participant understands and agrees that LiquidApps may make promotional and marketing use of the submitted projects or any portion thereof, participant’s likeness and attendance at the Program, and related matters or derivative works without any compensation to the participants.

Use of Software by the Participants

8.1. Participants are given access to LiquidApps software and technology, which may include, but not limited to, open-source code, software libraries and tools, published specifications, and documentation, as may be applicable on a case to case basis (the ‘Software’).

8.2. The use of the Software is allowed only according to the LiquidApps License. The said LiquidApps License constitutes the only and exclusive terms governing the use of the Software, and will prevail over the Program Rules and Terms and Conditions, or any other connected publication and documentation, in case of contradiction.

8.3. Any and all intellectual property rights of the Software belongs to LiquidApps at all times. Nothing set forth herein, including access to and use of the Software during the Program, shall not grant any Participant or a third party with any intellectual property rights regarding the Software.

8.4. Participants will inform LiquidApps, without any delay, of any loss or unauthorized use of the Software, including any breach of these Program Rules and Terms and Conditions.


1) When entering the Program, you must consider it is possible that you may receive a lower reward than you’ve expected or no reward at all.

2) Participation in the Program is on your own behalf and benefit, using your own assets, knowledge, tools, equipment, and personnel.

3) LiquidApps does not offer, and will not provide the Program’s participants any information, knowledge, support, advice or explanation of any kind, other than what has explicitly provided herein and/or will be provided in Slack #tech-support channel. When participating in the Program, Program participants rely on their own knowledge, know-how, experience and understanding, including but not limited to, blockchain technology, DAPP Network, software and relevant code. LIQUIDAPPS DOES NOT PROVIDE ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE DAPP NETWORK, THE DAPP TOKEN, DSPs, AND THEIR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES, and it is the participants own responsibility to examine the relevant code and material available at (and subject to the ascribed terms and conditions): https://github.com/liquidapps-io.

4) LiquidApps reserves the right, under its exclusive and independent discretion, to: (1) end the Program, or any of the available grants, at anytime, with or without cause; (2) amend the terms herein; (3) change the Evaluators composition. LiquidApps will communicate and apply such changes by publishing notice on Slack’s #announcements channel. By participating in the Program, or continuing to participate after any such changes occurred, you shall be deemed to have accepted the applicable terms and conditions.

5) Your project is under your complete responsibility and liability. LiquidApps and/or any of the Evaluators will only examine the project according to the Criteria. LiquidApps and/or any of the Evaluators will not check, relate, consider, advise, examine or address in any other way any legal, regulatory, compliance or financial aspects of the project, nor shall they bear any responsibility or liability. As the developer of your project, you will have and retain full rights and ownership in the project developed by you, and with complete liability and responsibility with any and all aspects relating to your project or any other content created and published by you or on your behalf. Your responsibilities and liabilities include, but not limited to, the following (as may be applicable): registration, licensing, non-infringement of third parties rights, privacy, data protection, product and software warranty, terms of use and any applicable laws. LiquidApps and any of the Evaluators and/or their affiliates will not assume any liability or responsibility of any sort or nature whatsoever regarding any project, including by accepting, judging and awarding project, which shall remain with the creators and owners of the project at all times.

6) The DAPP Network is open and is not controlled by LiquidApps, any of the Evaluators, and/or any of their affiliates. You remain at all times an independent party. Parties participating in the Program and the submitted projects to the Program, including the team that will be awarded and win the Program, will not form or claim to have any partnership, joint venture, cooperation, employment, collaboration and/or business relations with LiquidApps, any of the Evaluators and/or any of their affiliates, or be affiliated with them in any way.

7) Any use of any of LiquidApps, the Evaluators and/or any of their affiliates, names, brands, trademarks or trade signs is hereby forbidden, without prior written approval from the relevant party. The only use that shall be permitted is in reference to the Program (provided that you shall not imply any endorsement by LiquidApps, the Evaluators and/or any of their affiliates).

8) You agree not to make any other statements or publication, without the prior written consent of LiquidApps, implying any circumstances, terms or relations which are different from those stated herein.

9) You do not have any authority of any kind to bind LiquidApps, the Evaluators and/or any of their affiliates in any respect whatsoever.

10) LiquidApps reserves the right to make all decisions relating to the Program at its sole discretion, and such decisions are final and binding. Participants in the Program agree that: (1) any and all disputes, claims, and/or causes of action arising out of or connected with this Program, or any benefits received, or the administration of the Program, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by arbitration, under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The place of arbitration shall be Zug, Switzerland. The arbitration procedure shall be conducted in English. The Swiss federal court (Bundesgericht) will have exclusive jurisdiction over any appeals of an arbitration decision; (2) any and all claims, judgments and reliefs shall be limited to actual direct out of pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with participating in the Program and in no event shall participant be entitled to receive attorneys’ fees or other legal costs; (3) under no circumstances will a participant be permitted to obtain reliefs for and participants hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out of pocket expenses; and (4) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or relating to the Program, or any grant awarded must be brought within one (1) year after the occurrence of the event giving rise to such claim (if such claim is not filed, then that claim is permanently barred). Except where prohibited, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these terms and conditions, or the rights and obligations of participant(s) and LiquidApps in connection with the Program, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Israel, without regard for conflicts of law doctrine of any jurisdiction, and subject to resolution through arbitration only in Tel Aviv, Israel. LiquidApps’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision under these terms and conditions will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision and will not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder.


12) Participants agree to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against, and accept all responsibility of any kind, including but not limited to financial, for any liability, claims, losses, damages or proceedings, including but not limited for death, (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) relating to any actions taken by a Participant, including any submissions, or anyone else using a Participant’s email or team password or otherwise purporting to act on Participant’s behalf in regard to the Program (whether or not such use occurred with or without your permission). Participant also agrees to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from any and all liability, claims, losses, damages or proceedings, including but not limited for death (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) relating to prizes and any other matter in connection with a participant’s participation in the Program or LiquidApps’ or its designees or LiquidApps’ or its designees use of his/her submission. These rules, terms and conditions specified here comprise the Program Official Terms and Conditions and, together with the LiquidApps’ Terms of Service (https://www.liquidapps.io/terms-of-service), Privacy Policy (https://www.liquidapps.io/privacy-policy) and official Program communications or publications by LiquidApps, shall govern and apply to all participation and activity arising out of and relating to the Program and use of LiquidApps’ site. These terms and conditions cannot be modified or superseded except by LiquidApps, at its sole discretion.




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The DAPP Network Blog

DAPP Network aims to optimize development on the blockchain by equipping developers with a range of products for building and scaling dApps.