Reflections of Gratitude

Thank you to the DAPP Network community for a year of growth, learning and collaboration.

Beni Hakak
The DAPP Network Blog
2 min readJan 28, 2020


Blockchain technology is transforming the world by replacing legacy centralized systems with trustless, transparent protocols. It is driving a more inclusive and resilient financial system, and releasing the internet from the grips of large corporations that control our data and our attention. Yet, for a while, it seemed like network limitations and the cost of resources were preventing blockchain-based applications from leaving the station and making the journey to primetime.

Just over a year ago, on the weekend after my wedding, I sat down with my good friend and partner Tal Muskal to brainstorm solutions that would unleash blockchain technology from its scaling limitations. That initial flash of insight has since transformed into a thriving network of DSPs, developers and users committed to solving some of the thorniest issues facing the blockchain ecosystem. From Sydney to San Francisco, Stockholm to Seoul, talented teams and innovative individuals are coming together to brainstorm, banter and build towards a shared vision.

Today, the DAPP Network is a universal middleware that helps decentralized applications scale across multiple platforms. With the DAPP Token Generation Event behind us, I wish to take a moment to acknowledge the DAPP Network community for such an exciting and productive year.

One of the more incredible aspects of our industry is the tremendous sense of community that has emerged. All communities have their merits, but the DAPP Network community is a truly special collection of individuals I am proud to be a part of. I’m proud of the infrastructure, services and dApps that have been built over the past year. I’m proud of the conversations we’ve inspired that have pushed the blockchain ecosystem to be better. And most importantly, I am proud that we, the DAPP Network community, are living proof of what a blockchain world based on collaboration, cooperation, and interoperability can look like.

On behalf of Tal and I, we would like to thank all those who contributed to making the last 12 months a roaring success.

To the entire LiquidApps team of Avengers, we could not have done it without your commitment and expertise.

And to the DAPP Network community, thank you to each and every one of you for understanding and believing in our vision of scalable, multichain decentralized applications and playing your unique part in bringing that vision to fruition.

So thank you for boarding the DAPP Network train, and we know you’ll enjoy our joint journey to mass adoption.

Beni Hakak & Tal Muskal

