Plug and Play Full Litecoin Node for Raspberry Pi

Aaron Diaz Chavez
The Litecoin School of Crypto
3 min readOct 26, 2017

On Windows, Linux, and Mac

In this guide I will show how to write an already-configured Litecoin Node Image to a microsd so you can just plug and play your Raspberry Pi to the network.

Annotations: I personally only configured the Raspbian OS to run Litecoin Node without GUI and without wallet capabilities, also I installed Team Viewer (without any other conf, so no one can log in into your Raspberry but you). As soon as you complete this guide you should change the default admin password of the raspberry! It is not necessary but it is highly recommended.


· Windows (7 or up) , Linux or Mac 10 or up

· A Raspberry Pi

· A microsd 32gb or larger

· An image of the Litecoin Node

· Win32Img (for Windows) download it here: CLICK ME!

· HDMI/Mouse/Keyboard are optional in case you want to access your Raspberry

1. The first thing to do is to go and download the most recent ready-to-plug Litecoin Node Images. Save it somewhere where you can easily locate it

Litecoin Plug&Play Images:

Litecoin .015 LINK 10.64GB .RAR File

On Windows

1. Install and Open Win32DiskImager.

Once opened, click on the little “folder icon” and select your Litecoin.img copy, then from the drop down list select the letter of your microsd, finally click on write and wait patiently.

On Linux

1. Press CTRL+ALT+T to open a terminal window or alternatively, open the terminal your way, next you are going to write:


This will show all the current partitions and drives. Look for your microsd here always by looking at the gigabite size that the system is showing. If your micro sd has multiple partitions, you can see your drive name by removing the last number. For example you might get that your drive name is /dev/sda1. This means that the drive name is sda and the number 1 represents the number of the partition. Knowing this, you will type now:

sudo dd if=/location/of/the/img/file.img of=/dev/sdX

And again just wait until this finishes and you are set to go!

On Mac

1. Go to your applications folder, then click on utilities, and then click on Disk Utility.

2. Now mount the .IMG file either by double clicking it, or by right clicking on it and open with disk utilities.

3. On the Disk Utility application select the .IMG file from the left panel and go to “Restore”. On the target field select and drag to it the micro sd from your left panel as well. Then click on the restore button. Just wait until it completes.

Once you successfully complete any of the previous steps, just plug your microsd to your raspberry pi, then connect the Ethernet and the power cable, and your Litecoin node should start syncing up with the network!!

If you feel like buying me a beer (cause you are a nice guy or girl) you can donate to any of these addresses:







