Catching learning

Lily Eastwood
The Literacy Pirates Crew Weeknotes


From a conference on Saturday:
Apparently the education gap isn’t objective?!?! I saw an interesting panel reflecting on Education Policy in the last ten years. They had carefully put together a politically varied panel and each member spoke of the importance of finding common threads across the political spectrum so that we could work together on progress. When asked about whether education had gotten fairer I was then honestly flabbergasted to hear some policy professionals say yes. The success of policies is political, but the objective attainment of children shouldn’t be.

Funding, volunteering, access… these aren’t just our problems. There’s solidarity and opportunities to collaborate when you gather with organisation facing the same challenges.

On stage someone casually referred to “the impending attendance crisis in schools”. It wasn’t at the top of my mind as the biggest challenge but was a really interesting example of where other issues like overburdened mental health services and social challenges from covid combine to exacerbate an issue.

From the ship
I was really happy to get in a double London trip and attend the RIO, as well as have virtual celebration events booked in for later in the week. It’s my eighth year of graduation events and they still lift my mood — I love to see the sparkle they have as events for families, crewmates and staff.

The summer gives us big feelings! The termly rhythm doesn’t dominate all departments to the same degree that it dominates the Education Team, but the mix of holidays and no delivery makes for a big gear change. I was reminded of the importance of doing some expectation setting and encouraging people to be both optimistic and specific about the amount of time they have to achieve things. And that planning is a task in itself.

I have little issues brought to me — which I don’t mind helping with but certainly don’t want people to feel like they have to spend time checking things if they could have the authority to push it forward — and I have big issues not brought to me or brought a bit late. I’ve got a bit of work to do on setting some lines on when things should be escalated.

From the sea
I am really bad at kicking — turns I can swim nearly as fast without kicking my legs and will be a lot less tired.

