Purging myself of the grump

Lily Eastwood
The Literacy Pirates Crew Weeknotes


The big knotty projects continue and that’s really fun, but in between the meetings and the activity I’ve found my resilience has been low and I’ve been quick to grump. (Poor Angus, poor Joni.) So here is my attempt to purge the grump and remember the good. This weeknote is the processing rather than the post-learning reflection…so let’s see what comes out!

3 things I didn’t like this week

1.The lack of time.

Obviously I love the bank holiday as I am holding my beer and being handed pizza, but three bank holidays in May off the back of Easter bank holidays?! I think I’m particularly grumpy about it because it’s not like I didn’t know this was coming…

2. Structures and getting stuff down

I have been resistant to committing the thought to paper. Delaying the filling in of the form or the final write up… A kick back against my week feeling rigid because of the lack of time? Just the mood I’m in this week?

3. Interruptions

When my I’m set to “busy” on Teams it normally means that the notifications are knocking me off track. In times of calm I don’t notice them and can tune them out, this week every notification pulled my attention.

3 things I liked this week

  1. Voicenotes and splurges.

Grabbing my phone to tell myself something when the idea came walking back from the shops; sending myself a message during bedtime; unhinged splurge pages of arrows and stars. The ideas have not always come at the right time, but I’ve leaned into some ways of catching them when they appear.

2. Bouncing ideas off of people.

In a week where productivity felt constrained I had two brilliant meetings which were a blend of action and collaboration. With Jude talking staffing planning — we iterated and iterated and I came out with something that I was ready to write about. With Angele talking volunteer strategy and budgeting, lots of mindmaps and questions.

3. Coffee and exercise

Endorphins please!

What does this add up to?

  1. Look ahead and be realistic about what time will be lost.
  2. The grump is real, that’s ok. Eat, sleep, move.
  3. Connection and collaboration is a boost.
  4. Stuff gets done in different ways — I actually achieved a lot just not always sitting down.
  5. Or maybe don’t overthink it. Next week will be different!

