What’s the thing you say most often at work?
This title caught my eye because nothing originally came to mind. It was a puzzler. In pondering it further, I gave how I ‘am’ at work quite a lot of thought, and it took my mind down the route of:
* how we perceive ourselves vs how others might do, and
* how what we think of ourselves shapes so much of how we behave.
So the question for me was, what do you think you say most at work, and whether that is an accurate reflection. And if not, what do you say and how does that impact others…
Things (I think) I say at work a lot…
How are you?
We all say this. And for most people I work with (maybe not as much for SLT — I guess I feel less my responsibility?! An interesting thing to think on…) I like to know if people are ok. And if they are not ok, I want to be able to help. And I am nosey and like to know what people are up to and about their lives. I like knowing people, and I miss having been at such a close knit school for so long the tightness of bonds it brought.
Ahoy guys! We are going to have a GREAT* session (*insert other overused positive adjectives here)
Virtual sessions are different in how the energy is very one way. During in person sessions, you are almost trying to keep up with the YPs — they set the tone, and it is knackering managing the room in so many different elements (physicality, voice, resources, CMs, lighting, screens etc etc etc).
Virtually, I feel like I am the key thing that might keep them hooked, and although I am much better at using other tools now (video, chat, polls, questions etc) The ‘one wayness’ of the energy is something that I struggle with — so I am always pushing myself to keep my enthusiasm as high and as positive as possible, whilst being genuine.
Hey, all! I will just outline what we’re looking at….
I lead quite a few meetings and what I learnt starting here is that it’s best to establish what everyone thinks we are doing, and it also keeps the meeting on track. I think I should step back from some things, and I would love to know how to support others to share their views as often times, I still talk to stop there being a silence, and that gets unhelpful.
what does this mean about how I perceive myself vs how others do? It’s important to me that people find me open, authentic and kind as well as serious and professional. There’s a rebel inside of me that likes to have a focus on those things to, to ensure it doesn’t escape. I wonder what others’ experience shows I say the most… and what that means about how you see me?