Coffee Aroma espresso martini

espresso martini Coffee Aroma

Late afternoon, late spring, the sun catches the tables outside Coffee Aroma, a warm and sunny afternoon, extra tables had been set up, the chess tables brought down from the attic, a game in progress. A scene more likely to encounter in Athens than Lincoln, though in Athens more likely to be backgammon than chess.

I had earlier looked in on a cocktail bar. Third time lucky. The first time I could not find, the second time I could not find my way in. Too dark and stuffy and warm. I decided to give it a miss and wander down to Coffee Aroma.

Pleasant inside with the door open. I decided on an espresso martini, not a cappuccino.

Coffee Aroma, one of the few places I’d recommend for a cocktail in Lincoln.



Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.