Four coffee trends that are not

Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop
6 min readSep 8, 2018
cappuccino served by Sarah at Coffee Aroma

Biggest load of bollocks I have read on coffee in a long time, from Morning Advertiser, aimed at, don’t laugh, failing pub industry.

Remind me again, how many pubs are closing every week?

Article talks of operators. WTF are operators?

Those of us who appreciate coffee, drink in speciality coffee shops, served by real baristas, not some one in a chain who knows how to press a few buttons, a job that could be done by a robot, only low paid McWorkers in chains are cheaper than robots.

When an article has bullshit marketing phrases like ‘maximise coffee sales in a saturated market’, ‘deliver a desirable experience as opposed to just a drink’, then you know what follows is going to be a load of bollocks.

iced coffee

Yes, cold brew coffee, summer of 2018, the hottest summer on record, 80 days above 25C, has been the year cold brew has taken off. Why, because a refreshing drink on a hot day. Not because of marketing hype.

Cold brew coffee, have to know how to make, has to be made with top quality speciality coffee.

Matthew Algie, suppliers of catering supply coffee. One of the chains using their poor quality coffee, Cafe W in a handful of Waterstone’s. Not coffee from a speciality coffee roastery. One reason why undrinkable coffee in Cafe W.

Consumers expect to see iced coffee and it damages their perception of establishment if not seen, is another example of marketing gibberish and simply not true.

fake milk

If wish to ruin a cappuccino use fake milk.

Fake milks are no substitute for real milk, impossible to make a cappuccino, looks disgusting and tastes disgusting.

If you have an aversion to milk, then ask for a pour over.

And if you really must serve fake milk, blend in the pouring jug, marginally better, but not great.

serving coffee

Yes, need best equipment, best coffee, top class baristas, and no not possible to train baristas, they learn from working with top class baristas who correct their mistakes.

Laughable the ‘insight’ from Jacobs Dowe Egberts on the need not only for top quality coffee but also how it is served.

It will not be Jacobs coffee then. One of the worst coffees I have ever come across was Jacobs coffee in a coffee shop in Cyprus. Undrinkable coffee, the coffee beans black and over-roasted, a stomach churning smell. In Athens, Jacobs coffee seen as a joke.

The only insight from Jacobs Dowe Egberts is that they are able to con ‘establishments’ their word not mine, into buying their poor qualty coffee.

In Cyprus, con coffee shops with the coffee machine scam, lease our machine and buy our coffee. Free machine, then pay more for low quality Jacobs coffee, than would for coffee from speciality roaster in England including the shipping costs. And like the tied pub racket, cannot use any other coffee in the machine, cannot serve guest coffee, if do the espresso machine will be removed as in breach of contract.

the coffee consumer

Yes, there are various reasons to visit a coffee shop, it is a social activity as well as drinking coffee.

Reasons not mentioned, art exhibitions, poetry, live music, excellent cakes and food, even waffles.

Not mentioned, coffee chains opposed the latte levy, their business practices predicated on grab it and go takeaway coffee.

The only way to enjoy speciality coffee is to relax with a coffee served in glass or ceramic, as would a good wine. If enjoyed in convivial company all the better.


In a pub you will get awful coffee, served by someone who knows nothing about coffee.

Wetherspoon, will get decent real ale, the food not good, the coffee LavAzza from a machine.

Fake 1930s bar Cosy Club, output of chemical factories masquerading as beer and lager, real ale if you are lucky on a single hand pump, no craft beer, and corporate food menu. The coffee should be good, as supplied by Clifton but with those serving clueless on coffee, will get a bad coffee, which is not doing the reputation of Clifton any good, but maybe they do not care.

The average pub, and they are a dying sector, the landlord screwed by a pubco, serving poor selection of beer, let alone decent coffee. Not only screwed by the pubco on rent, also screwed on what they pay for their beer. A brewer recently told me the price they sell their beer to a Free House, and what a tied pub pays when forced to buy via the pubco approved distributor, a massive mark up in price, leaving little or no margin for the tied landlord.

Over the last ten years, we have seen a rise in coffee consumption, due to the massive expansion of coffee chains serving undrinkable coffee. The market has saturated. And any indie coffee shop opening to serve catering supply coffee with unskilled baristas is on a hiding to nothing.

Never move into an existing market, create a new market, as Brew Dog did with craft beer, biggest fish in the pond as the only fish in the pond, then grow the market.

The growth in the coffee sector, as with craft beer, is speciality coffee shops, serving high quality coffee in a pleasant environment. The baristas, time permitting, only too happy to converse with the coffee drinker, their enthusiasm contagious.

As with craft beer, the market grows as people discover what beer and coffee should taste like.

One speciality coffee shop opens in town, then another. They are not in competition, between them they expand the market.

When Krema opened in Guildford, they were busy from the day they opened.

In Winchester, first one, then two, then three Coffee Lab coffee shops opened, in parallel, Flat Whites opened a kiosk, then a coffee shop. All are busy.

In Hull Old Town, three excellent speciality coffee shops. Thieving Harry’s, Two Gingers, Caffeinated. They are not in competition, between them they expand the market for high quality coffee.

Same in Lincoln three coffee shops, Coffee Aroma, Madame Waffle, Makushi aka Base camp.

Same again in Nottingham, The Speciality Coffee Shop, Wired, Outpost Coffee.

Not only England. Paralimni in Cyprus, Robustos speciality coffee shop, the owner George has this summer helped set up a speciality coffee shop in nearby Protaras.

In Athens, Taf, Just Made 33, Tailor Made, The Underdog, Taresso, Little Tree, and not an exhaustive list.

Find one speciality coffee shop, ask, and they will recommend and direct to others.

In addition to serving excellent coffee, speciality coffee shops are often coffee curators, a constantly changing selection of guest coffee. The coffee experience through taste not hype.

The sector has grown because people passionate about good coffee not operators, have opened coffee shops to share that passion with their customers.

And one of life’s ironies, not only are the speciality coffee shops expanding whilst pubs are dying, not only guaranteed to find quality coffee in a speciality coffee shop than in a pub, are also more likely to find quality craft beer in a speciality coffee shop than a pub.

The source for the information in the article has come from buying companies, chains, suppliers of catering supply coffee, consultancies, not from speciality coffee shops, which explains why the article is a load of bollocks. And probably written by someone who knows nothing about coffee.



Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.