Letty Bermudez

Colombian Geisha roasted by Manhattan brewed at Effy using an Origami

Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop
4 min readJan 27, 2022


Letty Bermudez Colombian Geisha roasted by Manhattan brewed at Effy using an Origami
Letty Bermudez Colombian Geisha roasted by Manhattan brewed at Effy using an Origami

As (when we can) we label our coffees with the names of the producer, and that Diego’s name was already taken we actually reached out to Diego again if he would like to name this after someone special to him. Letty is the name of his youngest daughter. — Manhattan coffee roastery in Rotterdam

Letty Bermudez the name of the coffee, the name of the daughter of the grower Diego Bermudez.

A Geisha from Finca El Paraiso, grower Diego Bermudez in Colombia.

There is a trend with Geisha, to process in weird and wonderful ways, to push the boundaries, Letty Bermudez no exception, double fermentation thermal shock.

Rather than try to explain I will quote the roastery Manhattan based in Rotterdam.

Around 12 months ago we reached out to Diego Bermudez about commissioning a special lot of high end coffee specifically designed for us.

The conversation between Ben and Diego went something like this.

B — “…I don’t know if the numbers reflect the method but whatever it is, well done. I’d be curious to see what your absolute limit on a coffee would be, would it be possible to commission that?”

D — “Yes, I’ll send you the sample in two weeks”

Three weeks after that conversation we received a sample of one of the most insane geisha’s that has ever been on our cupping table at MCR. The processing is a combination of aerobic (60 hours in a pressurised tank), anaerobic (36 hours in mucilage at 18c with the addition of Leuconostoc bacteria), thermal shock and the Enigma dryer (a circular drying system) for 29 hours reaching a final humidity of 10%.

As (when we can) we label our coffees with the names of the producer, and that Diego’s name was already taken we actually reached out to Diego again if he would like to name this after someone special to him. Letty is the name of his youngest daughter and Diego said “Our desire is that the second generation of our family of coffee growers can transcend history and can generate a new evolution and passion for coffee.” With coffee like this we don’t doubt that this truly will become a reality.

Expect the definition of yellow fruit.

Our most prominent notes were haribo peach, milky oolong and mango.

A filter coffee, brewed at Effy (thanks to barista Mitch) using an Origami with an Origami filter paper.

Tasting notes strange, I found it was as though I was drinking watered down fruit juice.

I think I am going to have to buy a bag, expensive €22, and have a play.

Although roasted for filter I am curious, what is it like as espresso?

variety: Geisha

single origin: Finca El Paraiso, Cauca Piendamó, Colombia

altitude: 1960masl

processing: double fermentation thermal shock

tasting notes: Haribo peach, milky oolong and mango



Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.