Nespresso machine at The Underdog

Amazing wow coffee from a Nespresso machine but not using Nespresso capsules.

Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop
4 min readNov 17, 2019


Nespresso machine at The Underdog
Nespresso machine at The Underdog

On a visit to The Underdog I commented on a Nespresso machine, shock horror.

They explained why, quality coffee in Nespresso capsules.

I tried a Panama Geisha made in the Nespresso machine. Wow, it was excellent, totally unexpected.

I had earlier noticed on the shelves what looked like egg boxes for quail eggs. These contain Nespresso capsules. On the shelves Ethiopian, by the Nespresso machine Ethiopian and a Panama Geisha.

On a later visit, I learnt that the coffee is shipped to Russia to be sealed in the Nespresso capsules.

Ethiopian coffee, 20 euros for 18 capsules. Panama Geisha 30 euros for 18 capsules. When I visited a few days later, a Brazilian 20 euros for 18 capsules.

Mixed feelings on this. Quality roasteries producing capsules for a Nepresso machine. Should we be encouraging use of Nespresso machines? On the other hand, if already have a Nespresso machine, buy capsules from third parties, use quality coffee.

But I have to admit, the espresso from a 60 euro Nespresso machine was excellent.

A few days later I visited flagship Nespresso store in Kolonaki. I asked to try their best coffee. 5.5 euros for ten capsules. It was disgusting and undrinkable. I also learnt all the Nepsresso machines are the same, whether a 60 euro machine or several hundred euros. The only difference, the exterior and maybe the addition of a few gizmos.

Several changes since my last visit to The Underdog in the Spring, Nespresso machine and capsules, intriguing digital scales, delivers dialled in weight at push of a button, new espresso machine.

This is what I like about coffee shops in Athens. Always willing to innovate, always pushing the boundaries to deliver excellent coffee.

Nespresso machine at The Underdog



Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.