The Espresso Room

Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop
1 min readNov 22, 2018
The Espresso Room

Cutting through Covent Garden to Soho to find Algerian Coffee Stores I passed by The Espresso Room a tiny little coffee shop in New Row.

Coffee roasted by Caravan, coffee beans on sale. A small selection of cakes.

I decided to stay and I ordered a cappuccino.

I sat by the bar. I did not notice at first, on the tiles at the back, each tile a recipe for a coffee.

The cappuccino excellent.

Knowledgeable, pleasant and helpful staff.

I picked up a bag of Caravan coffee. Purchase entitles me to a free coffee. One slight problem, no means to credit me for the coffee I had just bought.

The barista tells me of a shop similar to Magazine Brighton or Ideas on Paper.

On leaving, I follow directions, head to Seven Dials, but I do not find.

The Espresso Room is a small chain of four coffee shops. The one I visited in Covent Garden located in New Row.

The Espresso Room in Great Ormond Street is featured in 111 Coffee Shops In London That You Must Not Miss.



Keith Parkins
The Little Bicycle Coffee Shop

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.