Write For The Little Recipe Publication
Submission Guidelines, The Little Recipe Publication
Welcome to The Little Recipe Pub!
The word for food in the Okinawan language is ‘nuchigusui’, meaning medicine of life. Food is not just for sustenance for the body it also nourishes the mind.
A publication for food stories was in my mind for a long time, and I decided to take the plunge!
Food is fun.
There’s a lot to share in the genre of food, like personal stories, family recipes, history, and culture of a particular region.
Food stories will never be out of trend.
Interesting food stories are getting great views on Medium.
Sharing food stories can develop a strong community and a sense of belonging.
Food is a real experience, food writing cannot be fiction any day. How will I write about the taste and aroma of food without actually experiencing it ?! If you have enough experience, you can…