The Nudge SF Hangover Guide

Prevent them and make them (somewhat) go away

The Nudge
The Livday Tapestry
3 min readMay 21, 2017


If you’re like us, social drinking is a splash of color on your canvas, and a hangover dumps a can of black paint on it the next day. What if you could hangover-proof your canvas? You mostly can. It just depends how serious you want to be …


“As long as this takes zero effort, I’m down.”

🍼 Remember Drinking 101: You learned this in your “OMG I’m soooo drunk!” high school days. Don’t drink on an empty stomach. Put a jug of water next to your bed before you go out. Start taking fake sips when King’s Cup gets too aggressive. Drinking 101.

🍸 Keep it clear: The darker / sweeter your drink = the more toxins in it = the less sunshine you’ll see the next day. Turns out vodka sodas aren’t just for pre-Cabo slimdowns. Here’s a scientific guide:

Alas, beer and red wine are in fact the worst.


I’m not as young as I used to be, but I aint no grandma. Just don’t ask me to do anything crazy.”

[In addition to Beginner]

💦 “And a water, please”: Say this after every drink you order. Pairing every drink with a water turns your body into a replenishing machine.

🍃 Take PreToxx before and after drinking: PreToxx is an all-natural vitamin supplement packed with many of the things known to prevent hangovers. You’ll be fortifying your defenses with Vitamin C, B1, potassium … just trust and try it out. Here’s the Amazon link.


I hate hangovers — just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” Or “I’m going to Vegas soon and afraid for my well-being.”

[In addition to Intermediate]

⚫️ Charcoal popper: Take a charcoal pill with every drink. When someone has alcohol poisoning, they make them take charcoal because it binds to the toxins in the stomach and keeps them out of the bloodstream. Take a charcoal pill with every drink and you’ll be fresh as a daisy. Here’s the Amazon link.

💊 Take a vitamin stack: If PreToxx isn’t doing it for you, here’s the next, slightly more expensive level. These have all been shown to prevent hangovers (and are very healthy for you to begin with), and we recommend taking 1 serving of each before and after drinking instead of PreToxx (Amazon links included):

Chlorella (not in PreToxx)

Alpha Lipoic Acid (not in PreToxx)

Vitamin C (PreToxx has it, but less)

NAC (PreToxx has it, but less)

Vitamin B1 (PreToxx has it)

The Day After

I’m hiding under my blanket in a deep hangover. Forgive me! Help meeeee!”

OK fine! We forgive way too easily. We’ll help you out, but it’s gonna take effort.

😅 Sweat: Sweating is, from our experience, the only thing that significantly alleviates hangovers. Sweating removes toxins from your body, so go to yoga, go for a run, or our favorite, sit in a sauna with a jug of electrolyte-infused water (toxins out, elecrolytes in).

🌯 Satiate: You’re nutrient-deprived and willpower-sapped? After you sweat, treat yourself to a burrito, panini or burger.

🛌 Sleep: Sleeping is when our bodies do maintenance. After you eat, you’ll probably feel worse initially. This is the perfect time to take a 90 minute nap.

It may be 12PM by now, but the day is still young and you’re ready to conquer it!

If you have any questions or got any benefit from trying these out, let us know in the comments! We will 100% respond. May your life be filled with hangover-free Sundays not spent in an apartment cave.

-👋 The Nudge SF Team



The Nudge
The Livday Tapestry

🙋‍♀️ The Nudge is a lifestyle membership for millennials that texts (nudges) you awesome things to do in and around your city! | SF & Seattle