10 Amazing Facts About Japan

(Why is there no Japanese among the world’s richest persons?)

Sabir Latif
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub
3 min readJan 28, 2024


Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash

Tokyo, the capital of Japan, ranks at top in honesty. How?

There are various amazing facts about Japan.

1) The students from 1st class to 3rd class in Japan are taught a subject in which they are learned about daily routines and about ethics, how to deal with people. It develops a good habit in children since their childhood.

2) There is no concept to declare students fail from class 3rd to 4th in Japan. Because the purpose is their up-bringing and personality formation, not to promote rote-learning.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

3) Although, Japanese are one of the richest nations, yet there are no servants in their homes. Parents are solely responsible for their children and domestic chores.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

4) Japanese students along with their teachers clean their schools for 15 minutes daily. The purpose of this practice is to make them habitually clean.

5) Every child in Japan brings his toothbrush to school. They brush their teeth after having eatables there. They are made aware of their hygienic health since their childhood.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

6) The sanitary worker in Japan is called with a specific name, namely “Health Engineer” and his average salary remains between $5000 and 8000. For this job, the candidates pass through oral and written test.

7) The teachers and administrators in schools take meal half hour before children. The purpose of doing this is to check food quality and ensure security of the children. Because they think that these children are the future assets of Japan.

8) If you go for dinner or on invitation in Japan, you will see that the Japanese take as much food in their plate as they needed. It is considered a bad habit to quit food in plates.

9) Mobile phone is not used in vehicles and restaurants. The phone on silent is given a specific name, called “the mobile phone is on ethics”.

10) The Japanese pay high value to time. They know the value of seconds and minutes. Their life is very simple.



Sabir Latif
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub

I am a creative content writer. I like to write about history, education, technology, climate change and about other things.