Books are a Blessing

Books are gems

Simran Mahal
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub
4 min readJun 20, 2024


Our book reading journey

I have many blessings in my life, and books are one of them.

My son turned 11 months old few days ago. Ever since he was born, I have surrounded him with books. Not that he does not have toys, he does have them but with me it is reading time. Whenever we play, it is not just peekaboo or A for apple. He loves looking at those pictures in books. I pick books that have few words and bright images. I read him bedtime stories also and he gets overjoyed. I have assigned one shelf to him for his books, and we pick 3 to 5 books throughout the day. I have ABC,123, a storybook, board books, books about animals, and others which makes it an enjoyable task.

Goggle’s wonderful contribution

Thank you to Google Assistant which has made my life easier. Whenever I am reading a book there is a picture of an animal like an elephant, rooster, or bear. I say hey google what is the sound of rooster and she makes that sounds for me. That is the wonderful feeling as baby giggles after hearing the sound. I am not a boring mother, if we are reading an musical book, I ask google for that musical sound and my son enjoys that.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Responsive Baby

The other day I was reading him the jungle book and when I said Bagheera, baloo, he responded with a smile at me, and we read the entire book. He actively participates. I gave him an interactive book about animals which has different textures, flap as its not only engaging but also sparks his curiosity.

How My Family Views Books: Mixed Reactions

My dad and my husband support my decision that I read to the baby every day.

His grandma in India is proud of me that I am reading to him as his grandson is making progress with language.

My mother last time she came and said baby needs recess and I laughed and asked why she said it is a Saturday and no school today. It sounds hilarious and I could not stop laughing.

My sisters’ remarks that leave this kid alone and he is not authoring a thesis for research paper.

My brother says to give him toys and not books, he is too young for that. Why are you preparing him for the Ivy League so early in life?

Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

Why Reading it essential for a baby

There are many advantages of reading to infants.

It improves their cognitive function and enhances their memory.

It helps them with communication.

Marshall University’s Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine conducted a recent study about reading to infants daily. The result of this study is infants aged 2 weeks to 9 months of age improved their language development by being read weekday. Hence proven, there are benefits of reading from infancy onward.

Researcher Adam M. Franks focused on the possibilities and rewards of this simple practice of reading for new families.

Research suggests for a 6-month-old infant read them fabric and board books and make them a routine.

For infants 6 to 9 months, incorporate both color and board books so infants can explore.

For toddler aged 9 to 18 months (about 1 and a half years) get a story book.

For ages 18 months (about 1 and a half years) to 36 months (about 3 years) encourage longer narratives and interactive reading session

By following these steps, you will help your child learn language and their curiosity sparks.

Final Thoughts

There is no harm to reading. Put your phones away, read to your child and enjoy bonding with them. What are you waiting for? Share your thoughts.


Marshall University. (n.d.). Marshall University study shows daily consistent parental reading in the first year of life improves infants’ language scores. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from

Zero to Three. (n.d.). Read early and often. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from

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Simran Mahal
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub

Mother/Wife/Lifelong learner/Writer/Active listener/Narrator/Reader