How to Fight Procrastination That Comes From Wanting Perfection
I am a person who procrastinates everything. A big part of this procrastination comes from the need to complete the task in the best way possible, so I wait for the perfect time, or I procrastinate because the idea of perfecting the task is so daunting that I can’t seem to bring myself to start it.
I’ve heard so many things about both procrastination and perfection but what changed my view was the following Arabic proverb.
ما لا يدرك كله، لا يترك كله
Which roughly means:
What cannot be completely attained, should not be completely abandoned
This quote has been my anchor when it comes to wanting to abandon a task because of my inability to give my best to it.
I had an assignment to read a book and the deadline was approaching but I still couldn’t read it because I wanted to start it when I was with full brain capacity and energy to take notes.
When I remembered the quote, alongside the little time left to read the book, I decided to start it; with the mindset that it’s okay if I only understand just two things from the whole book.
Anything is better than nothing.
And trust me, when you start working, things do get easier from there, because small achievements lead to bigger ones.
So just start even if you’ll only achieve a small percentage of what you want.
At least you will have started.
Thank you for reading!