Is trusting the timing of my life the only thing that matters?

Fatima Asad
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub
2 min readJul 19, 2024

Should I think that it is the fault of my stars or am I merely out of luck?

Photo by Gabriel Brandt on Unsplash

Are you feeling disheartened because you gave it your best but it didn’t turn out as anticipated? Life seldom grants you what you desire, precisely when you crave it. There may not be anything wrong with our stars or luck. Life may not be the wicked witch we think it to be. Perhaps the only thing that is flawed is our understanding of how things work. Or are we still not able to comprehend the mechanism of the universe even with all the advanced technology that we have? May be it’s just not the right time for it to happen. Perhaps trusting the timing of life is the sole thing that matters.

We should take what life has to offer with gratitude. Some may think that going against the flow will fill us with resentment and regret. This might be right. But I believe that it’s the choices we make that define us.

I know many of us may be intrigued by one of the inexplicable mysteries of life: if things are predestined, why make all the effort in the first place, because it will eventually happen if it’s meant to be.

I am a fervent believer of carving my own destiny with my hands. Even if everything is predestined, I am willing to give it a try and make a difference. It doesn’t matter even if it is just a fraction of the whole scheme. Being a human can’t be that futile. There is certainly some significance to my existence. How can I be just an unnoticeable entity in my own life?

Am I just to wait for a stroke of luck? No, I won’t. None of us should do that because we surely deserve better than being mere puppets. So aim at making that difference. Seek ways to instigate that change no matter how minute it may be. Be that first drop of rain that kisses the earth. And believe me that is all that matters.


For further reading from the same writer, click Fatima Asad.

