Making Kids Without Talking About It

The Secret Power of Grandparents

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I have never seen my grandparents hug, kiss or even exchange a flirty glance. Their relationship seemed about as spicy as plain oatmeal.

Yet somehow my maternal grandparents had three children (including my mom).

Whereas, my paternal grandparents, though slightly less productive, managed to pop out one— a.k.a. my dad.

But things get really interesting if we look at their previous generation.

That was the true record-breaker.

Counting the Clan

Let me tell you about my paternal side first. My grandfather was one of four brothers and three sisters.

While my paternal grandmother outdid him. She came from a family of seven sisters and two brothers—nine kids in all.

Her youngest sister was named something that, if translated, would mean "The End."
Rumor has it, they prayed nightly for no more kids.
My great-grandparents must have skipped the biology lesson on “how not to......”

Ironically, my great-grandfather worked as an assistant to a famous scientist of that time.



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